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Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*
Date: 6/7/13 3:43 pm

: So, does this mean any privacy promises that MS makes, or has made in the
: past, aren't promises at all?

When any company says they respect your privacy, etc, it's best to assume that means they will not share your information with 3rd parties, such as other businesses, etc.

There hasn't been a single point where I didn't think groups like the NSA, MI5 etc etc all over the world would be unable to get their hands on whatever they wanted.

Messages In This Thread

MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*Schooly D6/7/13 12:53 pm
     MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Avateur6/7/13 1:32 pm
           Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Kalamari6/7/13 3:38 pm
                 Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 3:43 pm
                       Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Kalamari6/7/13 4:49 pm
                             Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*SonofMacPhisto6/7/13 5:46 pm
                             Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 6:17 pm
           Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Cody Miller6/7/13 4:46 pm
                 Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 4:47 pm
                       Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Ragashingo6/7/13 5:10 pm
                             Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 6:06 pm
                 Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Captain Spark6/8/13 8:06 am
     Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*Kermit6/7/13 3:18 pm
     Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*bryan newman6/7/13 5:17 pm
           Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*Avateur6/7/13 6:05 pm

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