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Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*
Date: 6/7/13 3:18 pm
In Response To: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS* (Schooly D)

Nice theory. Another is that the pieces of information released so far are trial balloons that serve, in effect, as part of their consumer research. What will people object to? What will they find untenable?

Maybe they don't have any real intention of doing the things that people find so objectionable, or they would do it if people were okay with it, but since people aren't, they won't.

When they get it all nailed down, it might be something not objectionable, and then "by how much better than my word I am. By so much shall I falsify men's hopes...."

See, I've already done my political analogy. Not as current, though.

Messages In This Thread

MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*Schooly D6/7/13 12:53 pm
     MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Avateur6/7/13 1:32 pm
           Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Kalamari6/7/13 3:38 pm
                 Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 3:43 pm
                       Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Kalamari6/7/13 4:49 pm
                             Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*SonofMacPhisto6/7/13 5:46 pm
                             Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 6:17 pm
           Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Cody Miller6/7/13 4:46 pm
                 Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 4:47 pm
                       Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Ragashingo6/7/13 5:10 pm
                             Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Bry6/7/13 6:06 pm
                 Re: MS, Xbone, and Wiretapping *WARNING: POLITICS*Captain Spark6/8/13 8:06 am
     Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*Kermit6/7/13 3:18 pm
     Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*bryan newman6/7/13 5:17 pm
           Re: MS, Xbone, and Benghazi *WARNING: POLITICS*Avateur6/7/13 6:05 pm

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