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Words Can Hurt... :VID:
Date: 4/9/13 12:32 am

Some of you know that I'm a Blender user. With everything going on, I've not been following it's news much for the last few months. Today on Blender Cookie there was a little news post that reminded me of a awesome production company that uses Blender for almost 100% of their work. Not bad for a free program.

Anywho, I was going through their work that I've missed and spotted this:

Now that the Halo reference is out of the way, I'll like to remind everyone here to be careful what they say online and in person. No matter where you are or who you are talking to, what you say Does Indeed Matter. You may not see it online but a lot of players (not just on Halo) do take what you say to heart. Calling someone a Noob does push gamers away from that game. But nowhere as much as a flat out verbal assault does. I've played when some of you in the last month and there were verbal assaults being thrown everywhere. One would start it and others would just join right in. Including folks that once complained about it. It makes me sick. And I'm VERY ashamed to admit that I didn't speak up against it. I didn't join in on it but I should have said something. That or just left. I love you guys/gals but it needs to stop and it needs to stop now!. The other night there was a lot of making fun of homosexuals. I don't agree with the lifestyle but I'm not about to bash nor make fun of them. And neither should you. Some of us here are in fact homosexuals and I am proud to call them my friends.

A few nights later the bashing started again but this time is was against Christians and other forms of faiths. Being a dedicated Christian myself, this bashing really struck a nerve with me. Hoping it wouldn't last past a few bashes (cause I can handle that), I kept quiet. But sadly it just kept going on and on. I spoke up (finally) but my words were lost in the noise of all 15 of you joining in on the bashing. It does not matter who you bash, for it ALWAYS ends up hurting/upsetting someone. We are all friends here and we all come from different backgrounds. And thus we should All Respect Each Others' Backgrounds And Feeling!

Halo may be a mature rated game (still don't agree with that rating) but we all know that children do in fact play the game online. What we say effects them more then adults. It breaks my heart every time I hear a kid curse during a match but it breaks it into when I start hearing them bashing faiths/beliefs/races/etc. Because they hear it so often online that they think it's the Norm and that it's okay. These kids are trying to fit in with the veteran/"cool" gamers so they repeat what they hear them say. But it's neither cool nor okay at all.

Think of it this way. Do you like it when a team-member betrays you or your team quits and leaves you to defend on your own? Of course you don't. We all complain about it all the time. But those actions are temporary and only effect our stupid K/D ratio in a passive game. But what we say to/about one another is anything but passive. I'm not here to toot my own horn or anything like that. But you guys/gals know me very well. I don't betray and I do my best not to quit a game. But most importantly, I don't verbally attack another because of their religion/beliefs/speech/background/etc. Sure I may express my view once in a great while but I NEVER attack people. The Halo community is far better then that. If a member needs help, there's little to no hesitation from us to offer a helping hand where we can. But when we get in matchmaking/customs it's as if there's no love at all. What's happened to us? Don't tell me it's because of the compeditive nature of Matchmaking. Because it's clearly not. If it was, then a party full of H.B.O.ers wouldn't be joking around together in fun and suddenly start bashing a ground because they are "different". We all bleed and we all have feelings.

I'm asking you I'm begging you all to PLEASE show some respect toward others and one another. Show the world why the Halo Community is the best in community ever!

The above video's CGI was created in Blender by Gecko Animation

Thank you for your time

Messages In This Thread

Words Can Hurt... :VID:SEspider4/9/13 12:32 am
     Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:Mr Daax4/9/13 1:46 pm
     ^THIS.MacGyver104/9/13 2:56 pm
     Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:RC Master4/10/13 10:41 am
           Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:SEspider4/19/13 8:18 pm
                 Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:RC Master4/19/13 10:08 pm
                       +1 *NM*munky-0584/19/13 10:22 pm
                       Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:Mr Daax4/20/13 11:09 am
                             +5 and Ditto ;) *NM*SEspider4/20/13 4:11 pm
                             -6.munky-0584/20/13 6:52 pm
                                   sighSEspider4/22/13 12:19 am
                             +1 and Like. *NM*Quirel4/21/13 12:43 pm
                             +1 *NM*thebruce04/23/13 10:21 pm
                       +1 *NM*Hyokin4/21/13 12:08 pm
     Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:General Vagueness4/10/13 8:12 pm
           Re: Words Can Hurt... :VID:SEspider4/19/13 8:29 pm

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