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HBO Weekly Review | |
Posted By: Weekly Review | Date: 8/4/03 10:54 a.m. |
Week Ending Sunday, August 3, 2003 1. Doug Radcliffe writes: "I'm now accepting single-player level tips for the guide. Examples would include: 1) How to beat tough areas in Legendary.
Don't include easter eggs and make sure the tip is level-specific. Many of you have already sent in level-specific tips. I have them! You don't need to resend them. Send the tips to doug_radcliffe@yahoo.com Again, many thanks for your help. I really appreciate the fans in making this guide the best it can be! " Evil Otto: "Don't forget to check the two legendary guides:
I'm rather partial to this one, though...
2. rebel writes: [in reference to Halo action figures] "Im pretty sure stores like Kmart, WalMart, Toys r us, will have 'em." SketchFactor: "Actually, I don't think those kinds of "mass market" chains will carry them. Yeah, I don't really like that either but Joy Ride is producing the figures and they've got a standard distribution chain they work with. I believe you'll be able to get them at places like Gamestop and some music type stores like a Sam Goody or something. Some comic book shops might also be carrying them. I checked the 'where to buy' over at JoyRide but it's not really that helpful." 3. hehbo2k3 writes: "hehe I was browsing my Halo disk tonight and analyzied the map folder. Found out that Bungie went on and named what we all know as Battle Creek, "beavercreek.map". They named Derelict as "carousel.map", and Chiron TL34 as "putput.map". Looks like the developers were having a bit of a disagreement over what to name what! ... now the world finally knows 8)." MSN: "Not really. We just didn't decide on the "official" names until a few months before ship. I still don't know half the level names (solo and multiplayer) except by their internal names." 4. Bold77 writes: "I preorder the Halo action figures when it was first posted early this month. When I check now there are no action figures. I even did a search for the part number. Does anyone know why this is." SketchFactor: "Anyone who has already pre-ordered is in good shape. No worries. However, we found out recently that there are some supply shortages coming out of Joy Ride and we had to cancel any future pre-orders for fear of not being able to fulfill the order. It's a real bummer but I'd rather not get anyone's hopes up and then not be able to come through with the figures. So, if you've already pre-ordered, you're still good to go. If you haven't already, you should check out one of the other retailers." 5. Pallor writes: "I'm worried about the future of gaming and presents. See? I'm shaking. Oh wait I'm not, thats my foot tapping to the NIN." MSN: "All I know is I could've used the vacation. Oh well." 6. Brannon Boren writes: "I don't know if anyone has mentioned this (nothing popped up from my search), but Joyride had a booth at Gen Con, and they had an assortment of Halo figures there: * The Master Chief (standard green)
They all looked brilliant. I was told that the multiplayer color versions of the MC will not ship in the first wave, but will come out one at a time along with subsequent new figures. I didn't have my digital camera with me, but a friend of mine took some regular photos. If I get them soon, I'll scan and post them." SketchFactor: "I believe the current plans are to release the colored Chiefs as exclusives for certain retailers. We don't have the full scoop but we'll definitely let you know once it's finalized! There's also a rumor of a special mail-in offer for an extra special color. =)" mehve: "There was also a red one." 7. Warbow writes: "Anybody want to see pictures of my daughter? She is 19 weeks 6 days, should be due about mid-December. Seems perfectly healthy. :) http://carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/images/warbow/babygirl.jpg" mehve: "Congrats! How is mommy doing? :) You're halfway there!" 8. .mirage writes: "It can also use DTS. Just configure your xbox." MSN: "The Xbox supports pre-encoded DTS. It will not encode audio output to DTS dynamically." 9. CYBRFRK writes: "Do I hear a CLEAR (invisi) MC with a YELLOW BANSHEE?" mehve: "It's "active camo" ;-) Hey! Where've you been???
Cheers!" 10. Tom the 8th writes: "I'm sorry if my post upset anyone. I was joking with Brian about it, I talked to him about it, he knows I was kidding. I now see how my post came off as being mean and ungratefull, this was not intended. I was there when he got the figure. We both agreed how extreamly cool it was for him to recieve it and preferred it to the graphics card for the awesome sentimental value. We mentioned how only Bungie would be nice enough to give an exclusive figure as a runner up prize even though a runner up prize didn't exist. I still think it is really cool prize and a nice guesture. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was being a jerk to Brian, but I was only joking around with him. I apoligize to mchve for sounding rude." mehve: "Okay. You're forgiven. It wasn't just that you appeared mean to Brian, but you also inadvertently belittled my gesture. Like the only reason I gave one to Brian was cuz I had access to a million of 'em (which I do not). Just be careful next time! Hmm... Now I remember you. You're the guy in white in the group pic near the bottom of my b.net article on Gen Con, right? Cheers!" 11. Shishka writes: "I've come to understand that it's common practice to keep models in one format, and animations in another, when developing a game. What I don't know, though, is whether it is wiser to animate everything onto the timeline (say, in Maya), and then export the entire timeline to one animation file, where you would then use a custom tool to define animations (say, frames 10 through 20 are "walk," frames 25 to 35 are "run," to give a crude example), or whether the wisest thing to do is to export every individual cycle and cinematic animation to its own individual file (walk.ani, run.ani, playDead.ani). What is your take on this?" Anim8rJB: "It's easier to export it as individual animations, rather than one huge timeline (less confusing for the animators, the programmers, and the game engine). Just make sure the animations can blend in to one another, and keep the forward momentum consistent throughout all the moves or else your character will stutter around a bit when the engine stitches them all together. Having individual files makes it easier (and less confusing) for you if you have to go back and edit the walk, run, or whatever, because you just have to open that little individual file, rather than a massive Maya file and hope you don't screw up the time slider. I hope that kind of clears things up for you. I have a hard time keeping up with all the threads here, as I don't check the forum every day, so if you have more questions you're more than welcome to mail me at jbutts76@hotmail.com." 12. silvergrunt writes: "Sign a petition to help.
MSN: "Do you know how much developers would love it if Xbox Live had no lag for every single connection? Do you know how much Microsoft would love it?"
Wu is me!
1. "I don't like it when I'm missing." 2. "And pointing them out (or specifically, showing someone how easy it is to find their answer using one of the available tools) is the PERFECT way to let folks know about them. If they CONTINUE to not use them... THEN hit 'em with the baseball bat. :)" 3. "There is no way in HELL I would lie down under a machine that mnem created..." 4. "I'm gonna ban the whole damn forum soon." 5. "So let me be blunt. You come across as a dick."
1. "Dude, this whole forum is running on fumes. It's nadir was about a year or so ago. Look at you, you're an old fart, and my back is giving out on me. mneme talks to the walls, and dean has been arrested a few times for exposing himself to young asian schoolgirls. Cyber was on a middle-age crisis trek with some blonde that's way too good for him. And we never got around to upgrading CZero. He's still a version 1.01b or something." 2. "this DVD do not eat"
1. "So, if anyone reads this, please don't respond to trolls. Shake your head, roll your eyes, and move on to the next post." 2. "Candy? That, my friend, is a Tijuana Mama Spicy Sausage." 3. "Just think of all the eyes, watching from out in the shadows..."
1. "You don't know I don't have my own private forum on shishka.net where I post to myself and flame myself in reply." 2. "The fragrance surrounding you carries a hint of fertilizer." Flood of Interesting Stuff
guy who doesn't post....too often seems to have come up with a good idea in The Info On "The Plan" (tm) Movies and Bandwidth - Can you help out? Brandon is wondering about vehicle names - "in halo humans have the Scorpion tank, pelican dropship and the warthog jeep so what will the AtV be called?" guy who doesn't post....too often is wondering about Introducing C.O.E.R.C.E - "Conglomerate Of Established Resources Co-operating Efficiently" - The fanbase is stepping up to the plate against Bandwith! bikeman704 celebrates Fame and Fortune at last! - "I was just skimming through it when I came to the letters section, when low and behond this was staring me in the face:" - What was it??? RunningRiot creates Halo Year: fully animated,textured 3d model - Pretty darn cool! Wintermute wonders What are your plans for Halo 2 release day? - Start planning! Wado SG asks about Covenant gods? - "So who did the Forerunners serve in the eyes of the Covenant? Cortana noted that it was strange that the complex containing the Silent Cartographer was actually a temple. She questioned why." - Well...why? Simpsons Rule wonders I thought holograms couldn't touch stuff... - "So how did Cortana physically pull out the index from the control panel as it says she does in Halo: The Flood?" - What do you think? Warbow is expecting another little 'un Anybody want to see...? *OT* - "Anybody want to see pictures of my daughter? She is 19 weeks 6 days, should be due about mid-December. Seems perfectly healthy. :)" Wado SG comes up with Another "Ark of the Covenant" theory - "Halo is not the Ark of the Covenant, Halo contains the Ark of the Covenant. Probably not "the Ark of the Covenant" but something of equivant religious and destructive power. Some kind of weapon from God." Nick finds Good In-Depth Look at the Halo 2 E3 Demo - "It's a rather good read and there are tons of screens from the demo, concept art, renders, and story boards (although not very large)." Boll is at it again with Bah, it went crap... :/ *72kb, sound* - "I wanted to do... a Halo music instrument... maybe not a very good idea..." and HBO clock *Flash@3kb* and this: Halo Discs.... hehe... *150kb* - "I just applied a few seconds of photoshop to some of my panoramas... pretty nice results...." and (finally!) HBO clock *Flash@3kb* - Whew! Doesn't this man ever sleep? Simpsons Rule asks Can anyone make sense out of this? - "This 'frozen signal' contains information that matches the sample from Sigma Octanus Four." Cortana sighed and her shoulders slumped. "Unfortunately, all my attempts at translating the code have failed...so far."
It was a stark and dormy night...ummm..oh well, Halo FanFic entries this week
1. Agent Shade submits: Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 9 , Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 10 and Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 11 2. CoLd BlooDed submits: Return to Earth (Chptr 7: Final Finish) 3. Daniel Renner submits: The Struggle for D.C.: Chapter 1 4. FOrunnER submits: Halo 2, an Elites version 5. Frensa Geran submits: Buried Treasure(7) 6. FuManChu submits: Earth, A Place for Death. Part 1: NYC , Earth, A Place for Death. Part 2: NYC(cont.) and Earth, A Place for Death. Part 3: NYC final action 7. GLADIATRRR3000 submits: A Marine Named Peters: Snow Day and CORRUPT [1] 8. Greg and Wes Foutch submits: (Part 4) M31: First Blood , (Part 5) M31: First Blood , (Part 6) M31: First Blood , (Part 7) M31: First Blood , (Part 8) M31: First Blood , (Part 9) M31: First Blood , (Part 11) M31: First Blood
9. grylsy submits: Long time gone part 1 10. harley submits: Wrong or right part 6 11. HunterKiller submits: Halo 2 Fight For Earth: Home Today, Gone Tomorrow 12. J-117 submits: A John Before Halo: Part 5 and A John Before Halo: Part 6 13. JCDenton submits: Halo: The MCconto Cronicles 1 , Halo: The MCconto Chronicles (2nd) and Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part 3 14. Jinkaiden-XI submits: In Light of Destiny Part I, Chapter I: And so it begins... 15. Jon Michael Marlowe submits: The Empire (Episode IV), Truths & Dreams 16. korbsalg submits: After The End 17. Legend Player submits: Search for Chief part 1 and Search for Chief part two 18. LostRock submits: Halo 2: Revenge of a Spartan, Chapter 8 19. monitor101 submits: The Virus Part 6 20. 'Nosolee submits: The Fall of Fate: Invasion, Part Two(12) 21. Reclaimer submits: Oblivion 7: God's Chosen 22. S7N submits: All Roads Lead To Sol...Despite What The Map Says: Chapter 8 and All Roads Lead To Sol...Despite What The Map Says: Chapter 9 23. Sarge submits: Rise of the Hellion chapter 1 24. Shinai Purugganan submits: O.C. Tango Red: Out of the Freezer into the Fire and O.C. Tango Red: Welcome aboard the Autumn, Chaos. 25. Simpsons Rule submits: Halo from the Flood's Point of View: The Attack 26. Steele submits: The Defense of Earth 6; Spark's Demise 27. The Scribe submits: Rendezvous 28. TheRambler submits: Once, In A Field with Dying Hopes 29. Wes Foutch submits: (Part 10) M31: First Blood
I want my HTv!
c0ld vengeance submits: Everybody do the KEYES - Didn't think the brass could boogie, did you?. guy who doesn't post....too often informs us about: C.O.E.R.C.E. Presents 3 Videos, 1 NEW - Check 'em out! Lion submits: Oddballs Episode One
Off the Mark .mirage submits: Weekly Zen *OT* Quotes of the Week "when they are dead, and u are alive, its hard for them to win." - Pulser Trolling Through the Park One Day...
youcallthisagame - "Gameplay. This is the element of the game that M$, ppl on M$ payroll (official Xbox magazine *wink, *wink) & “fanboys” are boasting about so much. It is the also worse part of the game."
How to be a Jerk in Co-op (new submissions!!!) 1. "If you use the plasma rifle against the flood, and you are... say... 30ft ahead of your friend... the flood usually fall, but do not die, as a result of the plasma rifle fire. (This is assuming you stop firing at their bodies after they fall down.) So as your friend is following you, suddenly all the flood you shot down should pop up to say "hi" to your co-op buddy." - FrogBlast 2. "Let your buddy ride the elevator halfway down, then hit X to bring it back up. Your buddy will promptly slip through the floor of the elevator and fall to his death." - Warbow 3. "kill your coop-er while you are in a banshee. when you fly, you are going too fast for them to respawn. now to really stiff them, land at the highest point possible or better yet crash into a high wall. when you crash, your speed will be low enough that the person respawns in midair and will fall and fall and fall. repeat as necessary." - Tirion of *WP* 4. "Wait until you Co-op buddy is standing on glass over the enemy. Shoot the glass and send your partner down into the middle of them. Then don't forget to says "Oops sorry" - Warbow 5. "Spend all your time breaking glass, don't worry about any enemies. You must run around hitting every piece of glass so that you hear the breaking sound. Don't kill anything, it just takes time way from your glass breaking. Do this until your partner either screams at you or just walks up behind and smacks you in the head. Either way at that point you know that you have become a Jerk." - Warbow 6. "My younger brother and I play Halo alot and he is 3(he has learned the controls very well) Well last night we played GS level and while the glass and the gernade ideas are good try this. When crossing the first bridge (not flashing) above a large group of flood and covenent get across first the deactivate the bridge with your partner on it. My brother did this to me and it =bleep=ed me off. I eventually was pulled to him by a check point and introduced him to the back end of my shotgun. Something similar can be done on AoTCR get to the elevators first and go down, Either you slow down your buddy (death is imminent then) or you kill them because they jump after you. (the elevator looks closer than it seems and it keeps moving faster than you can fall)." - Lt. Marx 7. "When your partner is being chased closely by infection flood (or anything else for that matter) Say "I've got your back!" and, instead of shooting the badguy down, toss a plasma 'nade onto the pursuer. The alien chasing your friend will become a homing grenade... your friend will promptly smack you." - FrogBlast 8. "This annoying trick involves using the checkpoint/loading areas of Halo and works better if you are playing legendary. Hang back near a checkpoint, wait until your co-op buddy is fighting an elite. When he/she finally has the elite's shield down, back up and trigger his/her return to your location. Generally, by the time he/she returns to the fight, the elite's shield are recharged. Keep doing this repeatedly. This trick also works well while your partner is flying a banshee. Wait until he/she is flying over an object that is normally not accessible from the ground, such as a bridge or large rock formation. Trigger the checkpoint and if you?re lucky his/her banshee will crash on said object. Leaving them on the ground where he/she belongs. Oh and as always don't forget to say 'Oops, sorry!' " - Warbow 9. "The setup: make sure that your partner is driving the warthog, you should be the gunner. You should not have a marine riding shotgun. Wait until your partner is driving toward a large group of Covenant. This part takes timing, you must wait until right before the hog is within range of the covenants weapons. Bail out, if you time it right, your partner will not realize that he has no gunner until it is too late. Hopefully there will be several jackals with over charged pistols to take out his/her shields and several elites to finish him/her off. Now comes the tricky part, you must act casual. When your partner asks "Why?" You respond "What??....I'm shooting them" while you firing a few pistol rounds in the general direction of the enemy." - Warbow 10. "Also, (especially when playing coop against the flood), should your buddy happen to die, toss a frag grenade onto his body (when he's not looking!). Thus scattering his weapons so to make him go through an aggrevating search and recover if he wants that Shotgun again.. " - pete_the_duck 11. "This is fun with everyone, but it's better when I'm teaching new people to play while in a co-op mission with them. I usually do this on the light bridge, but whatever: while driving the warthog with them in it, I run it off the right side of the bridge and jump out at the last second when my door is at the edge. The best part is that they usually try to jump out, too, but that just makes them die faster." - Glenn Close 12. "Going into battle, either two or three on a hog. 1. You are gunner , must have plasma grenade. - Just before, jump out, toss plasma (sticking) to rear underside - Hog flips, causing driver shield reduction, just as the attack begins 2. You are the side-seat passenger, must have plasma grenade. - To a sticky toss to the driver and/or gunner, and bail OR.... 3. You are the side-seat passenger, any grenade - Toss it out in front of the hog (like you are throwing at the enemy) - As you drive over, hang on...of all passengers, you will survive the best." - CYBRFRK
13. "While playing Halo (the level) whoever is first plyer gets to have alot of fun at the beginning. As soon as you gain control of your Master chief, run forward and melee player 2 in the back. (for some odd reason player two starts in front of player 1) As you are doing this (as in right before you're melee hits him), you should trigger a checkpoint. As soon as you partner respawns you might recieve the same treatment, but it is safe to say that you'll get the last laugh when you repeatedly kill yourself, leaving him to face the Covenant dropship...as soon as you revert to saved, he'll die, and no amount of jamming the control stick forward will save him. Have fun ;)" - Jamirus99
14. "This works best with a player at your skill level, and it's easy enough to do. Just fire up the level Halo, and when you are about to get to the underground cavern thing, make sure they are in the passenger side of the puma. Park on the side of the cliff so that they can't get out without dying. Get out of the 'hog and stand behind it, so that they can't shoot you, and try to get as close to the edge as possible. With any luck, when they decide to just bite the bullet and fall, they will respawn over the edge, and fall again. You can stay there for a few minutes, making up some story about your controller being screwed up and not being able to move." - B-go
15. "Get your co-op buddy to ride on the tracks of the tank in AotCR. Try to get him to sit on the front tracks. When you get to the underground area, pull up to the broken bridge and hang the tracks over the edge as far as possible without driving off. Hop out and continue on your merry way. If you want, slap a plasma granade on the back of tank as you walk away." - Boss "Wart" Hogg
You think you're a jerk in co-op, or been jerked? Let me know, and if it brings the slightest hint of a smile out of me, I'll include it in next week's edition! Newbie Corner:
Ahhh...a newcomer? Check this out! FAQ's are great! Spam! It's what's for dinner! (And not for Posting!) Looking to download your favorite movie? Can't view all of them gosh darn cool movies? Go here! Or maybe you want to sit in the director's chair, and make a movie! Search functions are great! Would you like to spice up your posts with fancy-shmancy HTML? Ever wonder when an egg is not an egg? Look here for more egg stuff. What the heck is The Megg? Will HaloPC include Co-op when it's released? No.
Replies: |
HBO Weekly Review | Weekly Review | 8/4/03 10:54 a.m. |
Oops... :) | BOLL | 8/4/03 11:24 a.m. |
Re: Oops... :) | Weekly Review | 8/4/03 11:32 a.m. |
very, very nice... | Louis Wu | 8/4/03 11:28 a.m. |
not my week | Weekly Review | 8/4/03 11:36 a.m. |
Ha! The high standards of HBO are becoming... | deanero | 8/4/03 11:41 a.m. |
Re: not my week | Ross Mills | 8/4/03 11:41 a.m. |
How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Fury Three | 8/4/03 12:16 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Boss "Wart" Hogg | 8/4/03 12:35 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Louis Wu | 8/4/03 1:24 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Warbow | 8/4/03 1:30 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Boss "Wart" Hogg | 8/4/03 1:37 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Stephen Craig | 8/4/03 1:44 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | BLown-Upp | 8/4/03 2:01 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Captain Spark | 8/4/03 12:37 p.m. |
Re: How to be a Jerk in Co-op | Sarah | 8/4/03 3:43 p.m. |
i don't need co-op to be a jerk :) | vshields ash | 8/4/03 3:58 p.m. |
Woo, woo, woo! | NthDegree256 | 8/4/03 3:42 p.m. |
Re: HBO Weekly Review | Jamirus99 | 8/4/03 6:25 p.m. |
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