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Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)
Date: 12/12/21 11:31 am
In Response To: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers) (Revenant1988)

: Just finished the campaign. Played the open world long enough to upgrade all
: my armor abilities and then did the main storyline. Found a few skulls
: along the way (pretty proud tbh). Missed a bunch of stuff early on.

: My main take-aways (in no specific order)

: It took 343 a decade, but they finally made a great Halo game. I really,
: really liked it. It was fun. None of the missions felt like a slog. At no
: point did I find myself mocking the story under my breath or rolling my
: eyes.

: -Sci-fi will ALWAYS suffer from the "bigger bad" problem. It just
: does. "Somehow, Palpatine returned" comes to mind lmao. This is
: the world we live in, when things must be a franchise, or die.

: -They did a great job of tying off mistakes from Halo 4\5. I didn't need to
: understand much about what happened in Halo 4\5 or Halo Wars 2 to
: understand the plot. Which is good, because I played the campaign for H5
: exactly once. That said, if you had not played those games, some of the
: "why should I care?" stuff I can tell isn't going to have the
: same impact on the player.

: -They took the best of the Cheif\Cortana relationship from H4, expanding on
: it.
: -They took the best from Chief and his trauma from H5, expanding on it.

: -Art design was good. Finally. Everything looks faithful or a nod to the main
: trilogy.

: -The music was good. Great in some places. It very much felt like a faithful
: evolution to the original trilogy. Very much a "if it ain't broke,
: don't fix it" approach. I think Marty would be happy with it,
: overall.

: -I never got bored of the open world, Destiny\Far Cry\Red Dead\Skyrim type
: gameplay. It really felt like they took some of the fun stuff from Destiny
: and distilled it down to those fun points.

: - You remember when Bungie said about Destiny back in like 2013 that "if
: you see a place you can go there" and it kinda turned out to be crap?
: Well, you can actually do it in Infinite. Like, I would drive, walk, or
: grapple all over the place and it never felt like it took too long. I am
: legit surprised how un-tedious it was.

: -Speaking of cues from other games, the Grapple hook is so game breakingly
: fun. Like, I went all over the goddamn place like some kind of armored,
: unrefined SpiderMan. It was fun for the sake of fun. Much like Doom
: 2016\Eternal did away with re-loading, the Chief just having this thing as
: a form of mobility was a joy.

: -Gun play was OK. I appreciated the smaller sandbox. I still think the
: commando is crap. I ran through maybe 80% of the game with a BR and
: Rockets, but did use other stuffs when I felt like it.

: -Enemies were OK. They brutes get kinda repetitive and die the same way, but
: then when I feel that way those Berserkers that charge you or a freakin
: chieftan will shake me awake again.

: -The grunt banter is both stupid and wonderful. 4th wall breaking in the
: right way. Sometime annoying.

: -Bosses were not bad. Not bad at all. They were not sponges. There is an
: element of figuring out that they each have a weakness (kinda like megaman
: bosses) that makes them interesting.

: I'm sure I'll think of more. For now, there is my brain dump. Looking forward
: to talking about the main story when more of y'all complete it\post about
: it.

: Great Job, 343!
: (I really mean that)

I feel like the open world avoids the pitfalls of most Ubisoft collectible marathons, but it's still slightly larger/more side stuff than I think it probably should have. Will be curious to see if they add stuff to the chunks of the ring already on the map that nothing much happens in (that NE) or future campaign content will give us new biomes, etc.

Boss fights were definitely a step up from the previous games in the franchise, although there were combat arenas where I felt they just did the right thing one or two many times or phases with annoying checkpoints. Even on normal, I ended up repeating some segments way more than I expected just because they'll keep dumping enemies or spawning snipers behind you.

Partially because the vehicle pathing is not great on the ring, and partially because the Grappleshot is so fun, until I unlocked Wasps I mostly did my traversal on foot. It's fun to zip around the maps whacking people, especially after many of the previous games made CQC too dangerous to really do on most difficulties.

Messages In This Thread

Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)Revenant19881/5/22 6:28 pm
     Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)Quirel1/6/22 7:41 pm
           Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)davidfuchs12/12/21 11:27 am
           Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)scarab1/8/22 8:40 pm
                 Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)davidfuchs1/12/22 5:56 pm
                       Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)scarab1/12/22 5:56 pm
     Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)davidfuchs12/12/21 11:31 am
     Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)ManKitten12/15/21 3:06 pm
           Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)DHalo12/15/21 12:01 am
           Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)Revenant198812/16/21 9:06 am
                 Re: So what to do now?ManKitten12/16/21 9:14 am
                       Tell that to Rocksliderscarab12/17/21 7:12 am
                             Re: Tell that to RocksliderManKitten12/16/21 4:42 pm
                                   Re: Tell that to RocksliderSchedonnardus12/16/21 4:04 pm
                                   Re: Tell that to RocksliderRevenant198812/16/21 4:48 pm
                                         Re: Tell that to RocksliderDHalo12/16/21 4:48 pm
                             Re: Tell that to RocksliderCaptain Spark12/17/21 11:20 am
                                   upgrades are antithetical to Haloscarab12/18/21 7:08 am
                                         I agree with this guyscarab12/17/21 3:41 am
                                         Re: upgrades are antithetical to HaloJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)12/17/21 8:16 am
                                         Re: upgrades are antithetical to HaloDHalo12/18/21 7:08 am
                                   Re: Tell that to Rocksliderdavidfuchs12/17/21 11:20 am
                             Re: Tell that to RocksliderCruelLEGACEY12/18/21 7:39 am
                                   Re: Tell that to RocksliderRevenant198812/17/21 6:43 pm
                                         Re: Tell that to RocksliderCruelLEGACEY12/17/21 6:43 pm
                                   Re: Tell that to RocksliderDHalo12/29/21 2:55 pm
                                         Re: Tell that to RocksliderLeviathan1/7/22 10:10 pm
                                               Re: Tell that to RocksliderDHalo1/2/22 10:36 pm
                                                     Re: Tell that to RocksliderUrsusArctos12/30/21 7:00 am
                                                     Re: Tell that to RocksliderJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/2/22 6:28 pm
                                                           Re: Tell that to RocksliderDHalo1/3/22 9:10 pm
                                                                 Re: Tell that to RocksliderJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/3/22 10:43 pm
                                                                       Re: Tell that to RocksliderDHalo1/3/22 10:43 pm
                                                     Re: Tell that to Rocksliderdavidfuchs1/3/22 4:59 am
                                                           Re: Tell that to Rocksliderscarab1/3/22 3:10 pm
                                                                 Re: Tell that to Rocksliderdavidfuchs1/6/22 8:10 pm
                                                                       Re: Tell that to Rocksliderscarab1/6/22 8:10 pm
                                               Re: Tell that to RocksliderKermit1/7/22 10:10 pm
     Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)GrimBrother One1/7/22 7:11 pm
           Re: Just finished Infinite Campaign (no spoliers)DHalo1/6/22 2:15 pm
           Have you seen Lexington Dath's Halo characters?scarab1/7/22 7:11 pm

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