Join us this
Friday at 9:00 PM Eastern (2015/07/10) for Custom Games in Halo: The Master Chief Collection! To sign-up, post a reply to this thread or the one on our website with your Gamertag included.
Got a new map you're just aching to run? Either put it in your fileshare or, if your connection is strong, ask for party lead and we'll let you run it!
Just looking to play some games and talk with some fellow Halo-lovin' folks? Come on down!
Some things to remember:
- No jerks! Respect other players (but don't be afraid to give them feedback for their maps, if they ask for it!)
- Want to bring a friend? Sign them up too!
- Want us to run your map? Make sure the map and gametype are in your Fileshare and clearly labeled for us to easily tell them apart.
- We play both competitive gametypes as well as mini-games. We try to mix it up as much as possible to keep everyone amused, so don't expect Bounce-O-Gon or PROSLAYERBRXBR all night! Taste a little bit of everything!
- Got a mic? Great! We love to hear from our players, just make sure to not talk over anyone and let all players have a chance to get in on our conversations!
- Can't stand MCC? 343i giving you a hard time? We totally understand your feelings, but we ask that you try to keep the conversations positive. Don't feel bad about venting your frustration, but let's keep Customs Night fun and light-hearted!