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Re: Eleven Feet Long Night of Solace
Date: 7/6/15 2:32 pm
In Response To: Eleven Feet Long Night of Solace (Riceatron)

: So, I was looking at Halopedia and I noticed that Long Night of Solace has an
: official shipmaster, the same Rho 'Barutamee that is featured in the Halo
: : Fleet Battles tabletop game. I entertained the thought of an expansion
: featuring the supercarrier and looked at the sizes of the models and did
: some math.

: The ORS Heavy Cruiser is 3000 meters long at 14.7ish inches. Using math, I
: deducted that the near 29k LNoS would fit the scale at 132 inches. Making
: it just over ELEVEN FEET LONG.

: And then I made an image showing how it'd fit in the scale.

: Watch out. It's 1.4 mb and 11864x3752. I
: fudged the resize of the silhouette a bit but the basic idea is there

I remember some peoples, either here or a Halo Archive, had mentioned that the bigger ships would be this size, it'd be impractical to make them since they'd be enormously huge if their scales would be enormous. The UNSC Infinity, from what was hinted at when Halo: Fleet Battles was announced, would be a footlong or something, which would make for a fun variation of the Battle of Reach.

I know it'd be nightmarishly impractical and expensive and take a massive time to build and paint, but I'd love to have some madman play a Fleet Battles match with that 11 feet long monstrosity, tiny ships around it and all.

I can't wait for my Fleet Battles starter set to arrive.

Messages In This Thread

Eleven Feet Long Night of SolaceRiceatron7/5/15 10:41 pm
     Re: Eleven Feet Long Night of SolaceJaydee7/6/15 2:32 pm
     HBO: This one goes to eleven. *NM*Pkmnrulz2407/6/15 5:46 pm

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