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Could we speak for a moment about Halo's music?
Date: 6/16/15 1:39 pm


So, the Halo 5 campaign demo was pretty awesome to watch. I wish HBO had a front page or something that it could be posted on to get a word out about it more, but... oh well. Anyways, the music... it's bad. It's really bad. It's like, Call of Duty level uninteresting. It's just... there. There's absolutely no emotion, no feeling to it. If the music was removed from the video, it'd be a lot better.

Nothing will ever replace Marty Music™, but something seriously needs to replace what we've got now.

That's all I really have to say. I just don't like the music. I don't know anyone who didn't like Marty's music, but is there anyone here that actually has a strong appreciation for what we have now? Heck, I don't even remember the guy's name who does the music now - that's how little I appreciate it. :(

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