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Back-compat video on the dashboard
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/15/15 11:56 pm
In Response To: SEspider lies again... (munky-058)

: That's twice you've gotten our dreams crushed With incorrect sensationalist
: news, man. How about we leave the news to those who can give us factual
: info. ;)

If the forum was moving like it used to he wouldn't be the only one, this is what hype does. Someone that's not a jackass just corrects and moves on. (Also, I don't see you delivering any information).

Speaking of actual information: There's a video on the Xbox 360 dashboard showing and talking about the backwards compatibility. Apparently the only restrictions are licensing and the inability to use special peripherals, most notably the original Kinect. They intend to add games in batches until everything they can put on the Xbone is on there, including the entire first-party catalog they can support-- which means all of the 360 Halo games.

What remains to be addressed is multiplayer and original Xbox games. My hopes aren't high, but I have some.

Messages In This Thread

Halo Reach Returns!!SEspider6/15/15 12:52 pm
     Hopefully the "BC" is decent.uberfoop6/15/15 1:25 pm
           Re: Hopefully the "BC" is decent.Urban Reflex6/15/15 1:31 pm
     Re: Halo Reach Returns!!Nikko B2016/15/15 1:50 pm
           Re: Halo Reach does not Return!!Bounce-A-Gon6/15/15 2:09 pm
                 Just saw that moments ago...SEspider6/15/15 3:12 pm
                       SEspider lies again...munky-0586/15/15 6:29 pm
                             Back-compat video on the dashboardGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 11:56 pm
                                   Re: Back-compat video on the dashboardMacGyver106/16/15 11:00 am
                                         Re: Back-compat video on the dashboardGeneral Vagueness6/16/15 1:24 pm
     Re: Halo Reach Returns!!hunt3r6/15/15 2:18 pm
     Halo: Reach probably returns this fallGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 6:28 pm
           halo 5 needs breathing room dont expect reach soon *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/15/15 6:40 pm
                 I doubt that that's a concern.uberfoop6/15/15 7:07 pm

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