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Jamie98s/kokobear's Creations Vanishing
Date: 5/19/15 3:28 pm

I just checked my YouTube feed today, when a mysterious channel popped up named "5th Round", delivering a Wrestling video. I immediately wondered "Who up & transformed their channel", because I barely have any interest in sports, let alone wrestling for that matter.

Upon investigation, it was Jamie98s' channel.

Firstly known as Jamie98s, then took on the alias of Kokobear (More fitting toward his now long closed down website), and more recently Jamester, this individual is the creator of many valued classics of Halo machinima including The Mombasa Massacre, The Unlucky Elite & Oh So Beautiful, with numerous machinima interpretations of existing properties such as 28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later, numerous short films such as 2 & Space Dementia & music videos (Or as some people like to call them; HMVs), with their most recent project The Adventures of Kokobear made using World of Warcraft & Halo [PC]. Much of the previously mentioned has been both reported & provided by Halo.Bungie.Org itself.

And having rather recently gone through the trouble of providing custom thumbnails for the library of work on their YouTube, I have no expectation that they all of a sudden wished to take it all down and start providing wrestling related content, or even provide their channel to a party associated with it.

The evidence shows with a fan-made playlist containing the content by Jamies98s as officially uploaded by themselves (Which have mostly been deleted with any remaining currently unlisted), and the channel even in it's transformed state still bears the Kokobear YouTube URL, the comments made to the channel in the Discussion tab and the featured channels presumably chosen by either himself or YouTube recommendation (Which I'm sure even with YouTube's reputation, wouldn't so aggressively recommend Halo machinimators to a wrestling audience!):

My fear is that somebody has taken over their channel and is actively scrubbing out the content without permission. This is a horrible thing to happen to anyone. So I ask that if anyone here knows of a method of contacting Jamie98s/Kokobear/Jamester directly, or knows anyone at all that has a past association with them, please provide it so that if they are not aware of the situation, I can inform them, or at the very least see what can be done to bring their creations back into the world.

Messages In This Thread

Jamie98s/kokobear's Creations VanishingBizargh5/19/15 3:28 pm
     Re: Jamie98s/kokobear's Creations VanishingBizargh5/20/15 5:26 pm

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