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Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....
Date: 5/14/15 2:24 pm

: I'm with you on this here.... The H5 campaign is all I'm really interested in
: playing, honestly. I'll probably have fun (at some point) with H5
: multiplayer, but if they offered a separate campaign-only purchase I'd
: totally take it.

Because preordering after a trailer comes out shows interest and that an increase in preorders would indicate that trailer was helpful in drawing in players and a successful marketing tool. If they show a vidoc or preview of H5's Forge and it's really cool(like they add new terrain or something we've really wanted) and a lot of people preorder, they'll know that's something the community is really interested in and might put more effort into polishing it.

Why do you think they focus so much on E-sports and Pro gaming?

More people preordered and watched their content when they focused on it and the marketing team has put in more effort to make those areas of the game work. How often did you hear about H2A being "Classic Halo" and the MLG-style communities getting excited about the prospect of a traditional Halo and tournaments?

Hell, Grifball was so popular in Reach and Halo 3 that 343i went through the trouble of adding the Gravity Hammer into the game just for that gametype.

That's how I see it, at least. :)

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....Urban Reflex5/13/15 11:02 am
     Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....MacGyver105/13/15 2:16 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....Grizzlei5/13/15 2:26 pm
           If it's anything like Halo Reah's statute....SEspider5/13/15 5:03 pm
                 Re: If it's anything like Halo Reah's statute....Apollo5/14/15 5:15 am
     Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....Hyokin5/14/15 12:39 am
           Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....General Vagueness5/14/15 2:26 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....mid7night5/14/15 9:34 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....Hyokin5/14/15 2:24 pm
                             No way I'd preorder anythingscarab5/14/15 3:58 pm
                                   DOH typoscarab5/14/15 5:44 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....General Vagueness5/15/15 8:03 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Limited details start to emerge....munky-0585/14/15 5:21 pm
     For $250, will we even get a manual?Quirel5/14/15 5:37 pm

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