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Re: Translation......
By:Captain Spark
Date: 5/3/15 12:04 pm
In Response To: Re: Translation...... (Hyokin)

: Well, 343i didn't make MCC themselves. It was a group project for like...
: 4-different studios(Blur, Certain Affinity, Saber, etc.) so that's got to
: be difficult to coordinate. Not to mention they're outsourcing the
: patches, so that's another studio.

: I am actually curious what 343i actually made in the MCC?

: Blur did the cutscenes, CA did the maps, Saber did the new graphics in H2A...
: I guess the UI?

We live in a society where it's always the "other guys fault", and when the shit hits the fan, just make lame excuses in an attempt to cover their ass. The game has been out for nearly 7 months....and it still isn't working right! Microsoft got their millions and the fans got a horribly broken game that will probably never be fixed.

Messages In This Thread

"The MCC is definitely a black eye for us”gamerguy20025/2/15 12:44 am
     Re: "The MCC is definitely a black eye for us”Pkmnrulz2405/2/15 7:35 am
     Re: "The MCC is definitely a black eye for us”Cody Miller5/2/15 2:29 pm
           Re: "The MCC is definitely a black eye for us”ArteenEsben5/2/15 8:02 pm
                 Re: "The MCC is definitely a black eye for us”Hyokin5/2/15 11:55 pm
     Translation......Captain Spark5/3/15 10:35 am
           Re: Translation......Hyokin5/3/15 10:48 am
                 Re: Translation......Pkmnrulz2405/3/15 11:15 am
                 Re: Translation......gamerguy20025/3/15 11:41 am
                 Re: Translation......davidfuchs5/3/15 11:51 am
                 Re: Translation......Captain Spark5/3/15 12:04 pm
                       Re: Translation......Cody Miller5/3/15 12:52 pm
                             Re: Translation......Captain Spark5/3/15 1:27 pm
                             Re: Translation......bluerunner5/4/15 8:57 pm
                                   Re: Translation......thebruce05/5/15 9:35 am
                       Re: Translation......Hyokin5/3/15 6:56 pm
                             ^rolls eyes and goes back to the halo reddit *NM*Bounce-A-Gon5/3/15 7:07 pm
                                   Re: Rolls Josh-A-Gon back to CC Forums. *NM*Hyokin5/3/15 7:26 pm

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