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This. So very much this.
Date: 4/6/15 1:05 am
In Response To: Canon Fodder 4-4-15: Clarity & Grace (GrimBrother One)

- If your question starts with the phrase “Will we ever…” it’s pretty much out of the running right from the beginning. From “Will we ever see the Flood return?” to “Will we ever see Chief die?”, if you are asking us to essentially give something away, you can bet we are going to avoid it. And really, isn’t that better for everyone? We want fans to experience the stories in the best ways possible, complete with twists and turns that hopefully you might not always see coming.

- Trying to pin down absolutes is also something to avoid. “Are all/is every one of the _____ dead/destroyed/vanished/retired/etc?” Questions that try to corral things into a corner are a slippery slope that we’d all best avoid.

- "When is *game/book/comic* coming out? Will there be equipment abilities in Halo 9: Definitive Anniversary Remastered GOTY Edition? Will SWAT come back?" This is more for Canon Fodder specifically, but just to be clear, answering pretty much anything gameplay related is always going to be off the table for this particular platform.

It's great to see 343i come out and ask their fans not to bother with the above questions, and I wish more creators would lay down these ground rules. It's not really an issue with an online venue such as Canon Fodder, but there's been tons of Q&A panel sessions where everyone's time was wasted because a fan asked if their favorite character was going to feature in the next story, and the authors had to spend time coming up with a witty answer that says nothing. These spaces should be used to ask for clarification on confusing plot points, bits of tangential lore that haven't been expanded upon, or for questions about the development process itself.

I'm confused by the clarification about the Zealot. I'm not sure if they are their own special thing, or if the difference between them and the other ranks of Elites is the same as the difference between officers and non-coms.

The Covenant's chain of command just got a lot more confusing.

Messages In This Thread

Canon Fodder 4-4-15: Clarity & GraceGrimBrother One4/4/15 2:26 pm
     Re: Canon Fodder 4-4-15: Clarity & Gracezofinda4/4/15 5:24 pm
           Re: Canon Fodder 4-4-15: Clarity & GraceMetalingus6274/4/15 6:33 pm
                 Re:something something black in, and red tape...laird4/4/15 6:56 pm
                 HahLeviathan4/5/15 2:16 pm
                       Re: Hahzofinda4/5/15 2:46 pm
                             I as well *NM*Metalingus6274/5/15 6:07 pm
     To submit a question...Funkmon4/4/15 7:52 pm
           Re: To submit a question...GrimBrother One4/4/15 7:56 pm
     343 contradict themselves once again...munky-0584/5/15 12:05 am
           Still substantially similar I reckon *NM*Apollo4/5/15 5:06 am
           Each game has a different sub-species of Cortana.scarab4/5/15 9:04 am
           Re: 343 contradict themselves once again...serpx4/5/15 11:57 am
           Re: 343 contradict themselves once again...ChrisTheeCrappy4/6/15 6:29 pm
     This. So very much this.Quirel4/6/15 1:05 am
           Re: This. So very much this.munky-0584/6/15 1:35 am
                 Re: Yknow what I realized?Hyokin4/6/15 2:10 am
                       Re: Yknow what I realized?serpx4/6/15 3:43 pm
                 Re: This. So very much this.Postmortem4/6/15 8:54 am
                       Re: This. So very much this.Grizzlei4/6/15 1:38 pm
                 Re: This. So very much this.General Vagueness4/6/15 2:46 pm
                 Re: This. So very much this.Cody Miller4/6/15 8:49 pm

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