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Re: Xbox360 is dying
Date: 3/12/15 10:13 am
In Response To: Re: Halo has died (gamerguy2002)

: ^This. dude I don't blame ya for your feelings but it is what it is, the
: XB360 is bowing out but we had a hell of a run and its really still got
: another year or 2 left in it for new titles/ports.

: Once Reach and Wars are ported the XBO is pretty much the ultimate Halo
: console and you can't blame people for moving on, hell I'm seeing it in my
: friends list too and if I don't soon Halo 5 will pass me by along with
: some other games in the future.

Yep, can't wait until all Halo is on XBO :)
But that doesn't mean the 360 will be put away. I just recently switched out my entertainment cabinet so my original green Xbox is back in play - so those games that aren't backwards compatible can still be enjoyed. Granted, offline games, but as long as the console is alive and there are good games that can only be played on it, there will always room for it :)

Actually... I'm curious, as I haven't tried and at this moment I'm at work - Xbox games made BC for the 360: Do they also work on the Xbox One? Has the port code also been carried over to the One? Hm, something to try when I get home!

Messages In This Thread

Halo has diedSEspider3/11/15 5:47 pm
     Re: Halo has diedserpx3/11/15 6:13 pm
           Still playing Reachrhubarb3/11/15 6:21 pm
     Re: Halo has diedzofinda3/11/15 8:07 pm
           Re: Halo has diedgamerguy20023/12/15 12:24 am
                 Re: Xbox360 is dyingthebruce03/12/15 10:13 am
     Re: Halo has diedCARDO 8 ATL3/12/15 12:27 am

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