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Customs Night (shining blue planet edition)
By:General Vagueness
Date: 1/28/15 7:23 pm

What goes around comes around, or so I heard from a wise man named Justin Timberlake. The Earth goes around. Customs Night comes around every week. Let's pretend that was an actual segue.
Customs Night, for uninitiated, is a weekly get-together held in Halo where we, the people that show up, play custom and standard gametypes on custom and standard maps, ranging from simple to complicated, competitive to silly, and old to new. It starts every Friday at 9:00 PM EST, and continues until everyone is tired of customs. The game will be the Master Chief Collection and hosting will be Gnrl Vagueness and ShadowoftheVoid.
Customs have been continuing to work well outside of game chat not working and maps with too many Forge pieces not running-- we always get a party going quickly and use party chat, which works fine.
I've been remaking an old, bouncy favorite for us to play on, to go along with my other map and Shadow's race map. We'd love to run your maps and your friends' maps too, so please, bring them to us! If you don't have any, what are you waiting for? Forge has never been better! The project I mentioned a few sentences ago (simple though it is) has been an absolute breeze thanks to precision movement, angle snap, movement snap, and magnets, in Halo 2 Anniversary's Forge.
If this sounds like fun, why not join us? To do that, you simply reply to this post with your gamertag-- this is optional, but preferred. If you do, you'll get a message and/or invite when we're getting started. We mostly just ask that anyone that joins acts civil.

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (shining blue planet edition)General Vagueness1/28/15 7:23 pm
     Re: Customs Night (shining blue planet edition)General Vagueness1/30/15 4:37 pm
           Re: Customs Night (shining blue planet edition)General Vagueness1/30/15 4:39 pm

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