My thoughts in convenient list form (mostly), in case anyone is interested:
- smart scope (zoom/aim down sights):
- I've kind of wanted universal zoom since Halo 1 and more so since Halo 2--
or, I thought I did...
- I know it affected how the weapons acted, but it was hard to see the difference in non-headshot weapons while playing
- knowing I could always zoom in and have it help me made me feel like I had to always zoom in, like, what's the point otherwise?
- this and having to hold something down to stay zoomed in made it even more annoying than before to get de-scoped by taking damage, much more annoying in fact
- I started enjoying the game a good bit more when I mostly gave up trying to zoom in
- the precision rifles seem like they're still pretty usable without zooming in
- ground pound (can't remember the real name, can't care nearly enough to look it up):
- hardly used it, hardly felt like I had a chance to use it
- feels dumb and kind of overpowered
- they cut crouch jumping for this? ugh
- Spartan charge (press melee while in what I'll call "whoosh sprint"):
- used it slightly more
- satisfying when it works, leaves me feeling like an idiot when it doesn't
- doesn't seem overpowered, somehow
- not partial to it
- auto-stabilize (float in mid-air by pressing zoom or zoom and sprint while in the air):
- felt like BS, although maybe it shouldn't since jetpacks have been in Halo for a while
- I have a hunch this is sort of stealth-overpowered; can't remember my reasoning for that
- got me killed more than once (more than twice, for that matter) because I was trying to quickly take a few shots while jumping and zoomed in
- might be interesting if the game makes use of fall damage
- thrusters (short, quick move forward/back/left/right):
- took a long time to remember to use it-- used it much more on accident trying to zoom in than on purpose
- didn't seem that useful the vast majority of the time
- needs a cooldown meter, more than sprint did in Halo 4 even, especially if I'm going to rely on it
- Spartan abilities in general:
- I tended to not use them much, especially not on purpose, and they mostly felt like a mess, especially all together
- I would be much more partial to them if they were separated out like armor abilities (I'm in favor of the option to have multiple at once via gametypes though)
- sprint:
- it's fun, as always
- having infinite sprint, and having it without a special trait or perk, makes me a little leery, even though it's fun, but...
- shields not recharging while sprinting is an interesting move; I think it balances the mobility, in fact it might be a little bit too much
- slide (sprint then crouch): rarely remembered it, rarely used it; I like it in 2D games and Destiny so I should like it in Halo but I'll reserve judgment until I've actually used it more
- damage and recovery:
- works in a pretty intuitive and enjoyable way
- I like the reintroduction of health, and the introduction of a visual for shield recharge wait time
- the audio on the other hand is bleeping awful, and awfully bleepy
- automatic chatter/callouts:
- the actual lines were very rarely useful
- the lines tended to run over each other
- the female-voiced lines seemed more tolerable, maybe because they were lacking a radio effect
- might be better once I've memorized the callouts, but it's been a good few years and I still don't entirely have the callouts down for Lockout, Guardian, or Powerhouse, so I doubt that will factor in
- I tuned it out most of the time
- overall 0/10 would not listen to again, would cut from final game with ax
- intro and outro:
- the pans across the map in the intro were really nice, and it looks like it might be a customizable thing since it was on Forged maps too, which would be awesome
- your team walking out and standing there in the intro is completely unnecessary but it doesn't hurt aside from wasting a few seconds
- the victory thing at the end seemed fine to me-- until I saw the one you get with teams of three, that seems a lot more braggy and bro-ey than the four-person one, and it bothered me
- weapon spawn announcements and markers:
- I like the idea up to a point
- I think they really overdid it in this
- just showing once where things spawn and maybe one visual and/or audio cue when they're close to spawning would be highly preferable, also floating and spinning is a bit much
- gametypes:
- I didn't play much besides slayer, but breakout and strongholds didn't seem that great-- not bad, probably better than VIP, but not really worth investing time in
- spectator mode:
- pretty slick; I only used it once but I could see myself passing some time with it, waiting to join people or just when I'm really bored
- HUD:
- I still don't like the superfluous lines (protip: I never will)
- I don't care for the text they used but at least it's a little better than the HUD text in Halo 4
- weapons:
- they tended to fade into the background when dropped and sometimes even at their spawn locations, tons of times I had to walk around looking for a hold X prompt to find a weapon I knew was around there somewhere
- the AR, BR, DMR, pistol, and sniper more or less acted like I expected, and they're pretty good weapons still
- the pistol might be too weak, especially considering the precision rifles, but I feel like I'd need more time with it or some hard numbers to be sure
- the light rifle was... odd...
- it kind of felt like what they should've done with it in the first place
- it still feels hard to justify having it and other precision rifles in the sandbox, especially if they bring back the Covenant carbine or the needle rifle
- the three-shot kill might be a bit overpowered, I didn't get a very good feel for the effectiveness of the weapon-- it definitely makes me ask what business the five-shot kill DMR has being in the same game though
- what is going on with that zoomed-in reticle? a line and three triangles? how is that supposed to help me aim, especially compared to the un-zoomed reticle? it could be intentional, which would be a clever way of making it less of a quick, easy kill machine, but it feels like another baffling 343i decision
- the SMG was nice:
- it was more powerful than I expected and more powerful than it seemed at first, but still far from overpowered
- I like the reload animation and the look of it has grown on me
- I think they've found a (second) way to make me actually care about the SMG (the first way was ODST's version)-- they've mostly turned it into a completely different weapon, but for once I think they did a radical change right
- the rocket launcher acted like it did before, pretty much; I was surprised at how little the redesign bothered me in first-person, but there are any number of reasons for that, and I still think it should be black at the very least
- the hydra is a cool concept and I think it has a place in the sandbox but it's too weak to really be useful-- I can only imagine taking on a vehicle with it, you might as well throw rocks; make it a real power weapon and lower the ammo a bit and I could really, really like it
- I couldn't tell the difference in how the regular energy sword and the curvy one acted, if there was one; they both feel pretty good, but I get the complaint about bloom on the curvy sword
- I missed the shotgun, the needler, maybe the laser a little bit, and Covenant weapons in general
Overall, I went in cautious, and my initial impressions were that it was a hot mess on fast-forward, so I didn't play it much. On Friday night though something clicked, and I felt like I was starting to get into it. Probably half my play time was in the last two days of the beta because I wanted to get some more games in to have a solid base for talking about it and because I wanted to pursue this feeling like I was "getting it". I ended up feeling much more positive about the game, because I ended up having much more fun,
but this was still by and large
in spite of the new and changed things, not because of them.
I'd give the beta a B for effort, a C for execution (maybe C+ if I'm feeling generous), and an A- or B+ for fun level.