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Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A Cutscenes
By:Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)
Date: 1/7/15 6:31 pm
In Response To: Blur 'Bookend' H2A Cutscenes (Urban Reflex)

: I remember reading an article somewhere (lord knows where, it was months ago)
: about how Blur had created two new cutscenes for H2A; one at the start and
: one at the end to 'bookend' the game.

: However, in the cutscene library there's only mention of one new scene, at
: the start. Is there anything new at the end or was that lost in
: translation / cut / vanished?

It's there. Only visible on Halo Channel as far as I can tell.

Messages In This Thread

Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesUrban Reflex1/7/15 6:30 pm
     Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/7/15 6:31 pm
     Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A Cutsceneszofinda1/7/15 7:43 pm
     Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesCody Miller1/7/15 10:11 pm
           Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesLouis Wu1/8/15 11:58 am
                 Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesCody Miller1/8/15 2:42 pm
                 Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A Cutscenesdavidfuchs1/8/15 6:08 pm
                       Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesLouis Wu1/8/15 6:59 pm
                             Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesStephen L. (SoundEffect)1/8/15 7:16 pm
                                   Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesCody Miller1/9/15 2:43 am
                                         Where are they?Moorpheusl91/9/15 2:17 pm
                                               Re: Where are they?Louis Wu1/9/15 3:16 pm
                                                     Re: Where are they?Moorpheusl91/9/15 3:20 pm
                                                           Re: Where are they?Cody Miller1/9/15 4:58 pm
                                                                 Up now. *NM*Louis Wu1/9/15 5:27 pm
                             Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A Cutscenesdavidfuchs1/8/15 10:22 pm
                 Re: Blur 'Bookend' H2A CutscenesArithmomaniac1/10/15 8:32 pm
     Thanks all :) *NM*Urban Reflex1/8/15 4:19 am

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