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Eden has dynamic elements!
Date: 1/6/15 10:21 am

343 I am extremely happy about this, but wish we didn't need to shot stuff to do it! This must be forgeable as well.

Incase no one knows, on Eden, the outside box can be shot, and it drops down exposing the person, but puts up side walls. They go back quickly. The 2 diagonal things in the bottom of the map also can be shot to extend 1 half of it. So you can jump from the first floor up to top of security/top catwalk. It's pretty badass.

I hope this means there will be a forerunner map that is CONSISTENTLY changing back and forth on like a 30 or 60 seconds interval. I wanted Haven to do this SO badly (change line of sight, not the actual structure of the map).

This alone seriously has me excited.

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