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It was the Lizards. These guys need a better name!
By:Captain Spark
Date: 12/25/14 7:08 pm
In Response To: What a mess! (snakegriffin)

: So, trying to play MCC for a bit, and XBL is down. Xbone won't let you sign
: into your profile if XBL isn't online? WTF? At any rate, after restarting
: MCC and the console a few times, it gives me the option to "play
: offline" and then tells me it can't sync my latest data. No big deal,
: I just want to play some campaign. Finally lets me in, I finish a level,
: and then apparently the Xbone decides that since I'm not connected to XBL
: anymore, my profile should not be signed in, and MCC kicks me out.

: To boot, the network diagnostics don't tell me that XBL is down, it just says
: "hey, you're getting 100% packet loss in your network". What
: garbage!

According to Slashdot, "the notorious hacking group Lizard Squad" took down Xbox Live and the PSN network.

I've never heard of this "notorious hacking group" before, but I think it's time these hacking groups get better names. I'm a child of the 60's (we were cooler back then) and if we had the technology back then that we do today, we would have had way cooler names then the "Lizard Squad". We would have called ourselves, The-Sand-Lizards-Of-Doom, or The-Lizards-Of-Destiny. Maybe even, The-Super-Mega-Intergalactic-Death-Lizards-Of-Destruction.....that one doesn't really roll off the tongue but it sounds more apocalyptic than the "Lizard Squad". :)

Messages In This Thread

What a mess!snakegriffin12/25/14 2:51 pm
     Re: What a mess!Dielectric12/25/14 3:31 pm
     Re: What a mess!Moorpheusl912/25/14 3:53 pm
           Re: What a mess!zofinda12/25/14 6:35 pm
     It was the Lizards. These guys need a better name!Captain Spark12/25/14 7:08 pm
           Re: It was the Lizards. These guys need a better nsnakegriffin12/25/14 10:42 pm
                 Re: It was the Lizards. These guys need a better nCaptain Spark12/26/14 2:46 pm
     Just got an Xbox Oneserpx12/26/14 12:00 am
           Re: Just got an Xbox OneGravemind12/26/14 12:34 am
                 Re: Just got an Xbox Oneserpx12/26/14 12:38 am
                       DDoS attacks can not be stopped. :( *NM*SEspider12/26/14 3:16 am

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