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Christmas Classics on TSDTV *OT*
By:Schooly D
Date: 12/24/14 1:55 pm

It's Christmastime here in America, and what better way to celebrate the season than watching videos on the internet?

Today, for about 17 straight hours, TSD will be using its proprietary streaming service TSDTV to broadcast all your favorite Christmas classics directly into your computer.

Due to legal reasons beyond our control, I cannot tell you here what exactly will be showed. But I can guarantee it will be everything you love, and nothing you hate. (the detailed line up can be provided in our chat room)

The show starts at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern, and continues well into Christmas morning. When it's time, head over to TSDTV to watch the show. You should also pop into our chat room so you can discuss what's on stream with your friends and associates.

Note: you must have the VLC browser plugin installed to watch on the web page. If the browser plugin doesn't work for you, you can use the normal VLC player to open the network stream directly. Direct links to the stream can be provided in our chat room.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

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