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Re: So is MCC really the top priority?
Date: 12/19/14 8:45 am

: There's got to be a lot of variables with Halo 5 beta not being delayed. It
: needs to be out early for feedback to actually make an impact on Halo 5.
: So we don't get another Halo that doesn't meet a lot of people's
: expectations. Good enough reason for me for it to be priority #1!

: I will say though, I hope the servers work for it and we can actually play
: each other.

This is what Frankie had to say on the Waypoint forums:

"The preview list is an automated list attached to gamertags. We're using them to do scale testing so that people who get the FULL experience, with far more content and options, have a smooth uninterrupted experience. The preview folks are getting a cut-down version of the game so we can make adjustments, with constant drops, resets and other horrors. And many, many, many of the people in this forum are in the preview list."

Messages In This Thread

Preview Program gets you early access to Halo 5Chris101b12/18/14 5:50 pm
     I was meaning to do that weeks ago :( *NM*Pennybags12/18/14 6:14 pm
     So is MCC really the top priority?Avateur12/18/14 7:42 pm
           Re: So is MCC really the top priority?serpx12/18/14 9:59 pm
                 Re: So is MCC really the top priority?avatarofchaos12/19/14 8:45 am
                       Re: So is MCC really the top priority?thebruce012/19/14 9:37 am
                             Re: So is MCC really the top priority?avatarofchaos12/19/14 10:15 am
                                   Re: So is MCC really the top priority?Avateur12/19/14 1:43 pm
     Re: Preview Program gets you early access to Halo JDQuackers12/18/14 7:44 pm
           Re: Preview Program gets you early access to Halodavidfuchs12/18/14 8:56 pm
           JD "5 kids" Quackers *NM*padraig0812/19/14 9:39 am

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