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Customs Night (three shopping weeks edition)
By:General Vagueness
Date: 12/4/14 10:35 pm

Winter is a time for things to die, figuratively or literally, so that new life can come later. It's beginning to feel a lot like winter here. Fortunately we're not dying, but that might change tomorrow night if you show up and shoot at us. Before this gets too morbid I should clarify-- I'm talking about playing some Halo! More specifically I'm talking about Customs Night, which is a weekly get-together held in Halo where we play custom games. We play the old and the new, the large and the small, the complicated and the simple, from 9:00 PM EST this Friday until everyone's tired of customs.

What and where we play is slightly more involved, for now. This week iHyokin and ShadowoftheVoid will be hosting a lobby in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, while I (Gnrl Vagueness) will be hosting a lobby in Halo: Reach.

If either of those sounds like a good time to you, why not sign up? You can do that by simply replying to this post with your gamertag and the game you want to play (If Reach sounds good and Friday doesn't work, I hear some other group is doing Reach Saturday and they may or may not be fine upstanding citizens with an actual website.) If you join up, we only ask that you keep your voice down and your words respectable.
(Our apologies for the late sign-up post.)

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (three shopping weeks edition)General Vagueness12/4/14 10:35 pm
     Re: Customs Night (three shopping weeks edition)Rice12/5/14 3:52 am
           Re: Customs Night (three shopping weeks edition)Hyokin12/5/14 12:13 pm
     Re: Customs Night (three shopping weeks edition)General Vagueness12/6/14 9:08 pm
           Re: Customs Night (three shopping weeks edition)Hyokin12/6/14 9:50 pm
                 It's all my faultPennybags12/7/14 12:22 am
                       Re: It's all my faultHyokin12/7/14 1:05 am

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