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Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.
Date: 11/28/14 12:04 am

: I will call you out on inconsistency though. All that shit talking about
: Destiny, but then gonna go drop money on an absolutely truly busted
: product that does not live up to its reviews or marketing promises. That's
: the stupid thing on your part. But yo, you do you and your own thing. Lol

See, Destiny was a huge lie, in that the things they showed off and talked about AREN'T in the game. With the MCC, it's just a matter of if it works. It's all there. Everything they talked about it there, it's just not functional.

Destiny is an entirely functional game with a stellar launch but with absolutely nothing else to look forward to in it.

Messages In This Thread

As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today...Rice11/27/14 5:38 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.PriorMarcus11/27/14 7:36 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Hyokin11/27/14 9:06 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.serpx11/27/14 10:55 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Metalingus62711/27/14 3:19 pm
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Pkmnrulz24011/27/14 7:58 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Apollo11/27/14 8:10 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Drdoctor11/27/14 12:04 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Captain Spark11/27/14 12:49 pm
                 Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Apollo11/27/14 9:29 pm
                       Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.DrDoctor11/27/14 10:33 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Avateur11/27/14 1:26 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Gravemind11/27/14 3:24 pm
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Hyokin11/27/14 9:09 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.thebruce011/27/14 9:57 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Avateur11/27/14 1:22 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Rice11/28/14 12:04 am
                 Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.General Vagueness11/30/14 1:15 pm
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.General Vagueness11/27/14 11:21 pm

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