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Re: Halo live action can be done well.
Date: 11/24/14 12:24 pm

: It is apparent that if you're going to show aliens, you're going to need a
: loooot of money to make them seem realistic. So, in the end, save them for
: a theatrical budget. Or do full CGI so they don't look out of place.

: FuD did it right by showing them sparingly, and making them hard to identify.
: FuD is also an example that Halo live-action can work.

Agreed. The Covenant were all in darkness, shade, and quite often surrounded by lots of motion that helped hide much of the seemingly unnaturalistic biological movement.

I dunno, maybe it's that in Nightfall, the gravity seem completely normal for all live action content, but the Elites still fee like they're... floating... sort of. Very smooth and hovery. I think some of the hues and shading aren't quite right within the environment just yet either. Hard to put a finger on the imperfectness. Uncanny valley effect :P

A couple of quick scenes were a little better in ep.1, otherwise they still just look like CG pasted on live action, so far.

Messages In This Thread

Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURCody Miller11/23/14 6:16 pm
     Re: Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURDrdoctor11/23/14 7:33 pm
           Halo live action can be done well.Nikko B20111/23/14 7:36 pm
                 Re: Halo live action can be done well.zofinda11/23/14 7:53 pm
                       Re: Halo live action can be done well.serpx11/23/14 8:02 pm
                             Re: Halo live action can be done well.thebruce011/24/14 12:24 pm
                 Re: Halo live action can be done well.Arithmomaniac11/23/14 7:57 pm
                       Re: Halo live action can be done well.Nikko B20111/23/14 8:05 pm
                             Re: Halo live action can be done well.Arithmomaniac11/23/14 8:17 pm
     Re: Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURAvateur11/24/14 12:55 am
           Re: Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURserpx11/24/14 8:37 am
           Re: Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURthebruce011/24/14 12:20 pm
           Re: Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURKermit11/24/14 12:57 pm
     Been saying this for yearspadraig0811/24/14 9:21 am
     Re: Future of Halo TV / Film - BLURKermit11/24/14 11:01 am
     It's *gotta* be CG to be right.The Lionheart11/24/14 11:17 pm

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