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Re: GameSpot reviews MCC, gives it a 6
Date: 11/15/14 11:47 pm

: I hate that's what happened, but unfortunately these things have to happen to
: increase the pressure of developers to put out a more functional product.

: What a shame.

It's a bummer. You can certainly appreciate the ambition 343 had for TMCC, but that ambition is only as good as the end result. Not having a whole fourth of the Halo experience available from the start in an easily accessible manner, no matter how rich the content is, is more than enough to warrant a scathing review. Fortunately these issues seem like they'll behind us soon enough and the content we paid for at our fingertips.

Three big games in the past year that I've had a lot of interest in, including Halo, have shipped with absolutely terrible networking issues. I know you can only account for so much with the limited scale playtestimg beforehand, but how is it that so many games can get it so right so easily while others are just totally wrecked?

Messages In This Thread

GameSpot reviews MCC, gives it a 6Avateur11/15/14 11:17 pm
     Re: GameSpot reviews MCC, gives it a 6serpx11/15/14 11:26 pm
           Re: GameSpot reviews MCC, gives it a 6Grizzlei11/15/14 11:47 pm
                 Re: GameSpot reviews MCC, gives it a 6Avateur11/16/14 12:46 am
     Re: GameSpot reviews MCC, gives it a 6davidfuchs11/16/14 12:15 pm

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