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Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!
Date: 11/14/14 3:24 pm
In Response To: Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!! (thebruce0)

: Well there's also a commented html section that mixes Halo War 2 (heading)
: and Halo MCC (order button). Should have been removed if it was based on
: other code, but it's just commented.
: Copied HTML can retain links to MS servers as well (as my previous comment)

: The binary in the image translates to: WINTER CONTINGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED.

: That's as much as I could reliably get from the binary. Hoped there might be
: more of a give there, but alas, it's just 8-bit ascii encoding of english
: text from the 26th century.

There's also this face:

Messages In This Thread

The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!PriorMarcus11/14/14 9:46 am
     Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!gamerguy200211/14/14 10:01 am
     Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!Revenant198811/14/14 11:06 am
           Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!Chris101b11/14/14 12:11 pm
                 Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!JDQuackers11/14/14 12:16 pm
                 Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!Chewbaccawakka11/14/14 2:10 pm
                       Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!thebruce011/14/14 2:58 pm
                             Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!Louis Wu11/14/14 3:07 pm
                                   Can someone find me the guy who made this?Quirel11/14/14 3:13 pm
                                   Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!thebruce011/14/14 3:22 pm
                                         Re: The Halo Wars - New Halo Wars sequel!!thebruce011/14/14 3:24 pm
                                               Fake. *NM*GrimBrother One11/14/14 7:54 pm
                                                     It doesn't have to be! *NM*Grizzlei11/14/14 10:42 pm
                                                     Re: Fake.thebruce011/17/14 10:37 am

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