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Re: I have to question the play testing for the MC
Date: 11/13/14 3:49 pm

: Here's an updated list of bugs in the game:

: I don't think it's likely all or even most of these will be fixed.
: Game-breaking things like being able to boot people in matchmaking will
: get fixed, but there's just too much here to expect fixes for all of it,
: keeping in mind that each fix also requires QA and certification.

: If this game were 343i's flagship title, there might be reason to hope it
: gets fixed. It's not, though. Halo 5 is their big title. It's becoming
: increasingly clear that the MCC was a simple cash grab: Microsoft needed
: something to move Xbones during the holiday season, and Halo 5 isn't
: ready. So we got a hastily slapped together, unpolished product, on which
: most of the work was outsourced to other companies. I can believe the
: matchmaking debacle caught 343i by surprise simply because the impact of
: it is so huge for so many people, but it's unreasonable to think they
: believed everything else about the game was good to go. They knew, but
: deadlines are deadlines. Dealing with the fallout from releasing a bugged
: game was easier than moving Christmas.

: Put another way: the reason the game was allowed to be released with these
: bugs is the same reason we shouldn't expect them to be fixed.

It's a shame because this is, no doubt, the best Forge we've ever had. I don't know if CA was responsible for anything other than Forge, but I feel like their excellent work is tarnished by this buggy product.

How am I supposed to even share my maps with anyone? What is even the point in making things at that point?

I feel like this is an indication of Forge's potential in Halo 5, but I might end up going back to Destiny pretty soon.

Messages In This Thread

Custom games are more broken than matchmakingKal11/13/14 12:51 pm
     I have to question the play testing for the MCC...Moorpheusl911/13/14 1:12 pm
           Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCChris101b11/13/14 1:28 pm
                 Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCMoorpheusl911/13/14 1:31 pm
                       Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCKal11/13/14 1:41 pm
                 Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCSchooly D11/13/14 3:35 pm
                       Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCpete_the_duck11/13/14 3:49 pm
                             Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCDrDoctor11/13/14 8:17 pm
                             Quess it's a good thing I can't afford the game...SEspider11/14/14 4:41 pm
                                   Guess it's a good thing I can't afford the game...General Vagueness11/17/14 2:23 pm
                             Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCHyokin11/17/14 4:13 pm
                       On the bright side...munky-05811/13/14 3:51 pm
                       Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCcar1511/13/14 3:58 pm
                             Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCJDQuackers11/13/14 4:13 pm
                       Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCMoorpheusl911/13/14 4:05 pm
                       Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCCody Miller11/13/14 6:48 pm
                             Re: I have to question the play testing for the MCuberfoop11/13/14 8:26 pm
                       I think they will fix itThe BS Police11/17/14 7:17 pm
                             Re: I think they will fix itzofinda11/17/14 9:20 pm
                                   Re: I think they will fix itThe BS Police11/17/14 9:37 pm
                                   Nope, the fix has been delayed...munky-05811/18/14 12:25 am
                                         Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...Avateur11/18/14 12:36 am
                                         Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...General Vagueness11/18/14 2:13 am
                                               Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...Kermit11/18/14 9:41 am
                                                     Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...General Vagueness11/18/14 2:39 pm
                                                     Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...Avateur11/18/14 8:28 pm
                                         Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...The BS Police11/18/14 10:22 am
                                               Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...Hyokin11/18/14 1:25 pm
                                                     Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...The BS Police11/18/14 5:51 pm
                                                           Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/18/14 8:33 pm
                                               Re: Nope, the fix has been delayed...Avateur11/18/14 8:31 pm

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