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Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer Vidoc
Date: 11/11/14 1:03 pm
In Response To: Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer Vidoc (Revenant1988)

: Wat

: That is the most contradictory thing I've read from you. MLG and Reach didn't
: pan out because of bloom and loadouts. Not abilities themselves, the fact
: that they weren't standard and have variations.

And MLG again didn't pan out with Halo 4 because of loadouts and abilities. Wat indeed.

: Did you even watch the same videos dude? They tell you flat out they
: consulted with MLG pros to cultivate that market again. They implemented
: their feedback. The pros playing say they like it, and are glad.

They flat out have said they consulted with MLG in H4 also. And Bungie was all big on how they consulted with MLG in Reach. Look how well that worked out, right? Do you even remember the lead-up to H4, with all the MLG people talking about how awesome all of this stuff is? And then they hated it once the game actually launched?

The pros said they liked it, and were glad. And then they didn't. For two games. Hence why I don't like MLG or want them involved, because they clearly are either liars or don't know what they're talking about or doing. They're not game designers.

And I refuse to believe that they would then turn around and add this stuff into Halo 5. And if they did, well damn that's funny.

: The beta stuff looks *exactly* like stuff old school MLG players wanted.

: * one or two main guns
: * things on a timer around the map.
: * call outs
: * no loadouts and abilities
: * emphasis on movement and jumping
: * button combos, legitimate ones this time.
: * more twitchy reflex shootouts

: This beta is an MLG fanboy wet dream. As soon as the announce the ability of
: the xbone to vend Mt.Dew and sign your clan to a Dr.Pepper Sponsorship, it
: will be cemented.

For now.

Messages In This Thread

Hal 5 Multiplayer VidocApollo11/11/14 5:01 am
     Everything about this looks awful *NM*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)11/11/14 6:50 am
           I thought it looked great *NM*Schedonnardus11/11/14 10:23 am
     It doesn't look bad...RC Master11/11/14 10:33 am
           Also...RC Master11/11/14 10:37 am
                 Re: Also...Grizzlei11/11/14 1:55 pm
           Re: It doesn't look bad...serpx11/11/14 12:17 pm
     "they get really pissed off and start yelling"kidtsunami11/11/14 10:56 am
           Have you never LAN'd before?padraig0811/11/14 11:06 am
                 Re: Have you never LAN'd before?Revenant198811/11/14 11:29 am
                       LAN parties build character!Captain Spark11/11/14 3:44 pm
           Re: "they get really pissed off and start yelling"gamerguy200211/11/14 12:37 pm
     Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer Vidocdavidfuchs11/11/14 12:22 pm
     Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer VidocAvateur11/11/14 12:27 pm
           Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer VidocRevenant198811/11/14 12:54 pm
                 Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer VidocAvateur11/11/14 1:03 pm
                 Re: Hal 5 Multiplayer VidocRC Master11/11/14 6:14 pm
     Everything about this looks (potentially) great *NM*ArteenEsben11/11/14 1:02 pm

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