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Had an interesting thought
Date: 11/9/14 6:47 pm

I have been watching the MCC Invitational and am enjoying the gameplay, but watching this footage on twitch has been making my think.

Depending on connection, the quality of the footage goes up and down (More down than up) and the framerate won't be at 60 FPS. You also have no control over what you see in the games. No changing perspectives, no free-cam, nothing. You're viewing experience is up to the discretion of the streamer. Imagine being able to watch these games and have full control over what you see.

Enter: Idea.

Saved films work by saving game data and then replaying them real-time in-engine. The great thing about saved films are that the file sizes are MUCH smaller that simply recording the footage and playing it back. This also allows you to fly around the map, pause, and change perspectives at any time.

So here is my question. Would it be possible to STREAM gamedata over XBL? 343 could create a Twitch-like interface that would allow you to watch these MLG matches (Or anyone else who decides to stream). It seems like streaming game data would be much less bandwidth intensive, and it would allow anyone watching the match to change perspectives, fly in free cam, and experience the game as they choose.

Obviously you would have to own the game if you wanted to watch, but I think it would be a good way of getting more copies out into the world.

Any thoughts of how possible something like this would be? I'm sure it's WAY more complicated than I can even fathom, but it seems like a cool feature worth pursuing for something like Halo 5. It seems like the next logical step in 343's push towards MLG games, Twitch Live Streams, and more social-media based experiences.

Messages In This Thread

Had an interesting thoughtChris101b11/9/14 6:47 pm
     Re: Had an interesting thoughtuberfoop11/9/14 6:58 pm
     Re: Had an interesting thoughtRC Master11/9/14 8:30 pm
           Re: Had an interesting thoughtKermit11/11/14 10:58 am

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