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Re: The Arbiter
Date: 11/7/14 7:36 am
In Response To: Re: The Arbiter (Quirel)

: Is 343i getting better at it? I hope so, but the fact that the H2A Warthogs
: have the new, obsolete, 20th-century suspensions indicates that they're
: only going to be faithful to the old designs when they know people are
: going to raise a ruckus over it.

H2A is built on Halo 4, I don't see them going all out and remaking the warthog and other stuff aside from maps. Hell, the Gungoose is just guns on a Mongoose.

That is, if you're talking about the multiplayer. If you're talking about campaign, than remember that Saber did the bulk of the work just like with H1A so reused assets wherever possible.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.gamerguy200211/5/14 11:02 pm
     Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.Avateur11/6/14 12:55 am
           Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.KP11/6/14 1:14 am
           Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.Gravemind11/6/14 3:30 am
                 Re: The ArbiterHyokin11/6/14 11:47 am
                       Re: The ArbiterThe Loot11/6/14 1:00 pm
                       Re: The ArbiterGravemind11/6/14 1:22 pm
                             Re: The Arbiterserpx11/6/14 1:32 pm
                                   Re: The ArbiterGravemind11/6/14 2:17 pm
                                         Re: The Arbiterserpx11/6/14 2:26 pm
                                               Re: The ArbiterGravemind11/6/14 3:09 pm
                                                     Re: The Arbiterserpx11/6/14 3:21 pm
                                                           Re: The ArbiterQuirel11/7/14 4:33 am
                                                                 Re: The ArbiterRice11/7/14 7:36 am
                                                                       Re: The ArbiterQuirel11/7/14 4:37 pm
                                                                 Re: The ArbiterGravemind11/9/14 9:04 pm
                                                     He's a Kaidon now, and almost-king of a speciesRice11/6/14 3:28 pm
                                                           This *NM*Apollo11/6/14 5:38 pm
                                                           Re: He's a Kaidon now, and almost-king of a speciezofinda11/6/14 6:21 pm
                                                           Re: He's a Kaidon now, and almost-king of a specieAvateur11/6/14 7:35 pm
                                                                 Re: He's a Kaidon now, and almost-king of a specieRice11/7/14 2:40 am
                             Re: The ArbiterVAVA Mk211/7/14 12:13 am
                                   Re: The ArbiterQuirel11/7/14 3:45 am
                                         Re: The ArbiterAvateur11/7/14 2:23 pm
           Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.Cody Miller11/6/14 5:08 am
                 There's a zinger! *NM*thebruce011/6/14 9:49 am
           Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.Louis Wu11/6/14 10:43 am
           Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.hunt3r11/6/14 12:55 pm
           Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.serpx11/6/14 1:30 pm
                 Not all change is progress.Quirel11/6/14 3:41 pm
                       Re: Not all change is progress.serpx11/6/14 5:33 pm
                             Re: Not all change is progress.Avateur11/6/14 7:48 pm
     Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutscene.gamerguy200211/6/14 11:27 am
           Re: *SP* Halo 2 Anniversary Leaked Cutsceneasa11/6/14 7:15 pm
                 Thanks for posting that.Azo 'Galvat11/6/14 8:36 pm
                       Re: Thanks for posting that.zofinda11/8/14 11:43 am
                             Re: Thanks for posting that.The Loot11/10/14 10:18 am
                                   Cutscene links to first Halo 5 teaserMacGyver1011/10/14 10:56 am
                                         Re: Cutscene links to first Halo 5 teaserThe Loot11/10/14 12:40 pm
     Dang. It's missing. Someone email it to me...SEspider11/6/14 3:58 pm

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