I feel safe in saying this week and this month are fairly momentous. A national election happened in a pretty significant country, the Hallmark empire and others have decided the twelve days of Christmas run from the day after Halloween to the end of the year, so I guess we're in that (fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-ugh), and a certain collection of four-ish games that's relevant to anyone that plays custom games in Halo (that is, "Halo: The Master Chief Collection", or "MCC" to its friends) comes out next week.
Constraints of budget mean all of Community Customs won't be on the proverbial mountaintop with you right away. I'd like to tell you our plans on that (which is why this is late), but they're still being formulated.
This week, though, will go pretty normally. We'll play Halo: Reach, because we usually do at the beginning of the month and because it's not in the MCC.
If you've read this far, and especially if you've seen one of these posts before, you probably know the drill, but: this is all about Customs Night. Customs Night is a weekly get-together held in Halo by Community Customs
where we play custom games. We play custom and standard gametypes on custom maps (with a standard map or two thrown in). The maps and gametypes range from simple to complicated, new to old, and competitive to silly. It all starts Friday at 9:00 PM EST and runs until everyone (or almost everyone) is tired of customs. If that sounds like fun, why not join us? To do that, simply sign up by replying with your gamertag (you don't have to sign up, we'd just prefer that you do).
Things to keep in mind:
- we pretty much play what the people present want to play
- we don't run modded content
- a CC admin (ShadowoftheVoid, iHyokin, Gnrl Vagueness) will have party lead for as long as we play customs
- if you want to play something we don't have, you'll have to point us to a file share containing it
- we really value communication, it makes the game more fun and makes this possible, so we prefer that people have and make use of headsets, but also that they don't talk over people or talk down to people
- suggested supplies: a map, a snack, a gametype, a friend, a joke, a story
- that time again is 9:00 PM EST and the game is Halo: Reach-- I hope we see you then!