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Thursday Night Party!
Date: 10/27/14 10:11 pm

Last week I held a party night and it was empty. Snipe was the only one that joined and he kicked my ass in Rumble Pit before we did the awesomeness in MM.

Anyone up for Thursday night? Same gametypes as last time:

[*]Swat Deluxe(Both Team and FFA)--Essentially the same as the SWAT you see in Matchmaking, but my way, which is Agility and Dexterity. Cooler.

[*]Hill of Hell Remastered--The classic classic, remastered. You probably don't remember this(Snipe does) but it's a stationary hill, Shotgun primary and random secondary. I'm considering adding Armor Abilities or Ordnance. Patent pending.

[*]Kinetic Oddball--My most popular HBO Gametype--Oddball with Infinite Concussion Rifle and Gravity Hammers. Sparse, yet INVALUABLE Ordnance Drops keep the game even crazier and more fun. There WAS supposed to be a big bonus for ball kills, but....thanks again, 343i. Going on two years without that switch flipped!

[*]Assassin-Nation--A controversial pop-fest: Everyone's so weak they die instantly for easy multi-kills, but a little patience and stealth can get you an assassination, the only scoring option to win this game! Having trouble smackin' backs? Ladder kills are also enabled, to help you earn a few points on the board. Sneak for style points, or kill for montage clips--just don't depend on that'll miss it very soon.

[*]Rumble Noscopes--The name says it all, but there's also Ordnance surprises every 5 kills.

[*]Joust--You may have heard of this from the Honor Rule days of Halo 2. With this game, you're trying to achieve passenger kills--snipers and grenades. I'm still trying to get this one to work properly, I've never had a full party to play it on.

Come on, let's get some more people in!!

If you want, we can do something on Tuesday night! I want a group.

Messages In This Thread

Thursday Night Party!Morpheus10/27/14 10:11 pm
     Re: Thursday Night Party!gamerguy200210/27/14 11:06 pm
     Re: Thursday Night Party!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)10/27/14 11:32 pm
     So....No One Then? *NM*Morpheus10/28/14 8:39 pm

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