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Morpheus' Pouty Party Sat. At 8!
Date: 10/17/14 6:58 pm

When's the last time I had a gameday all about me? I still never got to play the "my stuff" gametypes--at least not with a decent sized party. I've got a day off, so let's throw some charity my way tomorrow night! Say, (7, 8?) Central. I won't hog the leader like some people, I just want a few chances to get my stuff out before the party fully dissipates. Come on, it'll be fun.

Oh, and it's Halo 4.

I'll list off the gametypes I have planned so you'll know to say no in advance:

[*]Swat Deluxe(Both Team and FFA)--Essentially the same as the SWAT you see in Matchmaking, but my way, which is Agility and Dexterity. Cooler.

[*]Hill of Hell Remastered--The classic classic, remastered. You probably don't remember this(Snipe does) but it's a stationary hill, Shotgun primary and random secondary. I'm considering adding Armor Abilities or Ordnance. Patent pending.

[*]Kinetic Oddball--My most popular HBO Gametype--Oddball with Infinite Concussion Rifle and Gravity Hammers. Sparse, yet INVALUABLE Ordnance Drops keep the game even crazier and more fun. There WAS supposed to be a big bonus for ball kills, but....thanks again, 343i. Going on two years without that switch flipped!

[*]Assassin-Nation--A controversial pop-fest: Everyone's so weak they die instantly for easy multi-kills, but a little patience and stealth can get you an assassination, the only scoring option to win this game! Having trouble smackin' backs? Ladder kills are also enabled, to help you earn a few points on the board. Sneak for style points, or kill for montage clips--just don't depend on that'll miss it very soon.

[*]Rumble Noscopes--The name says it all, but there's also Ordnance surprises every 5 kills.

[*]Joust--You may have heard of this from the Honor Rule days of Halo 2. With this game, you're trying to achieve passenger kills--snipers and grenades. I'm still trying to get this one to work properly, I've never had a full party to play it on.

So let's do this!! Who's in for tomorrow?

Messages In This Thread

Morpheus' Pouty Party Sat. At 8!Morpheus10/17/14 6:58 pm
     Re: Morpheus' Pouty Party Sat. At 8!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)10/17/14 10:20 pm
           Thanks Guys!....Well, Guy!Morpheus10/20/14 1:42 am
     Oh, And Bring Some Good Maps!! *NM*Morpheus10/18/14 7:40 pm

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