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IIRC, the editor EULA says all maps r belong 2 MS
Date: 10/15/14 12:14 pm
In Response To: Re: Post-release H:CE question (FyreWulff)

: Technically possible.

: Verifying the provenance of the map to avoid legal issues? Probably not worth
: the time. In Halo 3, Reach, and 4, there was no need to ensure this -
: every map is legally a derivative work of the base map, so MS owned them.

: In Halo PC, well, you could make a map from scratch. So a custom map doesn't
: fall under being a derivative work to make things easier for MS.

IIRC, the HEK's EULA said something along the lines that all maps made with the editor are actually 'owned' by MS at the end of the day. With this considered, the issues still at hand would be verifying underlying assets (sounds, etc) aren't copyrighted and upgrading the source tags to work with whatever new pipeline they have for Xbone/64bit/60FPS support.

The H2CE maps would otherwise be safe (as we didn't use any assets outside the Halo games), but I don't think they would devote the resources to port the tags and assets over. But it would be really cool to see New Mombasa Classic (or even the H2CE variant) in MCC.

Messages In This Thread

Post-release H:CE questionCARDO 8 ATL10/14/14 2:57 pm
     Re: Post-release H:CE questionMasterz133710/14/14 5:43 pm
     Re: Post-release H:CE questionFyreWulff10/15/14 8:47 am
           IIRC, the editor EULA says all maps r belong 2 MSkornman0010/15/14 12:14 pm

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