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Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announc
Date: 10/9/14 3:35 pm

: I knew it'd be like 2 seconds before a complaint. SMH

: Custom games are your friend.

There's always going to be a complaint, especially for something like this. Being vocal is important, as long as it's done respectfully. Before I complain, I am thoroughly excited and impressed with the Master Chief Collection. I am getting an Xbox One just for it closer to Holiday times.

My frown face goes to an undedicated SWAT playlist. I feel like it is strong enough to have its own playlist, versus being in a "we'll see" rotational hopper. I hope its popularity proves itself, as it always does, to benefit from having that.

I'd love to see a custom games lobby. People like me don't have access to tens to hundreds of different XBL friends, and due to how everything on XBL is party chat (aka anti-social), it becomes harder and harder to make friends. I hope more support is given to connecting custom gamers in the future.

Anyways, thanks for finally bringing XBL to Halo 1. It's been too long.

Messages In This Thread

Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcedMoorpheusl910/9/14 12:15 pm
     Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcCARDO 8 ATL10/9/14 12:25 pm
           Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMasterz133710/9/14 12:43 pm
                 Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcJironimo10/9/14 12:52 pm
                       Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMasterz133710/9/14 1:03 pm
                       Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcserpx10/9/14 3:35 pm
                             Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcserpx10/9/14 3:41 pm
                                   Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMasterz133710/9/14 3:59 pm
                             Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)10/9/14 4:40 pm
           Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcBosticman10/9/14 12:55 pm
           Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announczofinda10/9/14 10:43 pm
     Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMelee10/10/14 12:45 pm

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