I made this video for a contest for Microsoft's ExpertZone, their retail loyalty program. Basically I just parodied the opening of Red Vs Blue, except I replaced existential crisis with a sales pitch. I didn't win the main prize since I broke almost all the rules (I read them once, then decided to do a video close to a month later without referencing them again [also I couldn't find them anymore haha]), the most important of which was submitting it almost a month late and after a winner had already been chosen. WHOOPS! Anyways, despite my blundering idiocy, they still gave me a runner up prize package because they're awesome folks. Even though the video doesn't really mean anything unless you're retail employees, I thought you guys might like it. It is Halo related, after all!
Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k8_GQ50z6E