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Re: Ehhh
Date: 7/9/14 1:58 pm
In Response To: Missed Opportunity Special Console (ChrisTheeCrappy)

: Is anyone else surprised there is no special Xbox One console for MCC? I
: certainly would have bought it, as I don't have a Xbox One and need to get
: it for this. It seems they are doing away with that customization in
: general. Does anyone else this was a missed opportunity for 343?

It's still quite early.

There might be one for The MCC, but I would expect to see a special console for Halo 5 over the MCC.

Also, limited edition consoles imply just that- that they are limited. I highly doubt there will be one for both games. Xb1 has only been out like a year so far, right? And the kinect-less versions are just coming out.

Yeah... the more I think about it, the more I would expect to see a limited console for Halo 5 because that is being developed entirely in house in Microsoft\343, as opposed to one for MCC which still has Bunige Halo games in it.

Even the PS4 hasn't had a true special themed console yet, has it?

The white one does not count- it may have Destiny bundled WITH it, but it is not THEMED Destiny.

Messages In This Thread

Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleChrisTheeCrappy7/9/14 1:38 pm
     Re: Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleMacGyver107/9/14 1:45 pm
           Re: Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleKal7/9/14 1:51 pm
           Re: Missed Opportunity Special Consoledavidfuchs7/9/14 1:54 pm
                 Re: Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleMelee7/9/14 2:05 pm
     Re: EhhhRevenant19887/9/14 1:58 pm
           Re: EhhhChrisTheeCrappy7/9/14 3:43 pm
     Re: Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleTDSpiral7/9/14 3:07 pm
           Re: Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleChrisTheeCrappy7/9/14 3:44 pm
     Re: Missed Opportunity Special ConsoleDEEP NNN7/9/14 3:41 pm
     Re: Missed Opportunity Special Consoleyakaman7/9/14 7:02 pm
     It's Coming.Morpheus7/9/14 10:55 pm
           Re: It's Coming.Asian Inferno7/10/14 12:34 am
                 Re: It's Coming.davidfuchs7/10/14 8:51 am
     Harr harr harrruberfoop7/10/14 12:55 am
           I'd buy the hell out of that *NM*ZackDark7/10/14 8:59 am
           Mister Chief Collection *NM*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/10/14 1:24 pm
           I feel like it's missing something...Gravemind7/11/14 2:49 pm
                 Amazing.uberfoop7/12/14 12:57 am
                       Aaaaand I'll take 3. *NM*Pkmnrulz2407/12/14 9:41 am
                       Re: Amazing.CARDO 8 ATL7/12/14 6:11 pm
                             Ask and ye shall recieve!gamerguy20027/19/14 12:07 pm
                                   Bleh. That's ugly, imho *NM*ZackDark7/19/14 2:04 pm
                                         Re: Bleh. That's ugly, imhothebruce07/21/14 9:58 am
                                               bit of an update.gamerguy20027/25/14 11:41 am
                                                     dat forza yellowZackDark7/25/14 11:47 am
                                                     Re: bit of an update.Phoenix_92867/25/14 3:52 pm
                                                           Update!gamerguy200210/28/14 11:41 pm
                                   Re: Ask and ye shall recieve!DEEP NNN7/19/14 2:41 pm
                                         Re: Ask and ye shall recieve!uberfoop7/19/14 2:49 pm
                                               Re: Ask and ye shall recieve!davidfuchs7/19/14 3:18 pm
                                   "LE MCC XB1"Quirel7/19/14 10:04 pm
                                   Re: Ask and ye shall recieve!ChrisTheeCrappy7/20/14 11:28 pm
     Finally!gamerguy20023/10/15 1:09 am
           Re: Finally!Revenant19883/10/15 7:09 am
                 Re: Finally!gamerguy20023/10/15 4:14 pm

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