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Date: 6/15/14 6:09 pm
In Response To: Halo 2 Saved Films...Confirmed (DHalo)

I don't buy it. If they said "Halo 4 will have saved films" that would be one thing since the feautre is "there" just not enabled. But Halo 2? They've really gone back in and coded up everything necessary for saved films? I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm betting that saved films and Forge is available for the new redone different engine Halo 2 maps, and nothing more.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 2 Saved Films...ConfirmedDHalo6/11/14 10:40 am
     Re: Halo 2 Saved Films...Confirmedbluerunner6/11/14 10:45 am
     For MP only or...?RC Master6/11/14 10:58 am
           campaign?Kermit6/16/14 4:37 pm
     Re: Halo 2 Saved Films...ConfirmedHyokin6/11/14 11:16 am
           Re: Halo 2 Saved Films...ConfirmedJironimo6/11/14 12:43 pm
                 Re: Halo 2 Saved Films...Confirmedgamerguy20026/11/14 8:50 pm
                 Re: My bad...Hyokin6/12/14 1:29 am
     Thank you Super Fooper, good stuffCARDO 8 ATL6/11/14 12:55 pm
           One day you'll do this on an actual SF post. *NM*Nikko B2016/11/14 3:48 pm
           I will never get old of this topic title. Ahahaha. *NM*Pkmnrulz2406/11/14 5:36 pm
                 Err...Pkmnrulz2406/11/14 5:36 pm
     Re: Halo 2 Saved Films...ConfirmedFyreWulff6/11/14 8:36 pm
     Ehhhh...Ragashingo6/15/14 6:09 pm

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