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Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gaf
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/13/14 5:32 pm

: Second, H5 multiplayer will be abandoning armor abilities in favor of a level
: playing field. They didn't need the MCC to gather this info, just 5 years
: of hearing players complaining about armor abilities.

If complaints about something indicated that thing was going to change, the world would have ended by now.

: Third, why have the beta so early after the release of MCC? While I commend
: their efforts for producing a beta, I feel they may be sacrificing
: long-term data in favor of short-term. Player longevity was a clear
: problem with H4, is seven weeks enough to gauge longevity and adjust the
: beta accordingly?

Isn't player longevity typically measured in weeks or months? Most game betas aren't that long, so I don't know how they could gauge longevity anyway.

: My one fear is that may be focusing too much on gameplay decisions and
: totally avoiding the rest of the problems related to H4 mutliplayer. For
: example, the unintuitive UI, wonky lobby system, team-only voice chat,
: poor map design, and other things I can't quite remember. Quality Halo
: multiplayer wasn't just about the gameplay, it was also about the entire
: package.

I'd say map design is part of gameplay, or at least closely connected to it, but OK. I don't see why you think they're focusing only or too much on gameplay though.

Messages In This Thread

Stray things I've heard around ign and gafApollo6/10/14 4:00 am
     Hadn't thought about that...munky-0586/10/14 5:53 am
           Re: Hadn't thought about that...zofinda6/10/14 5:57 am
     About the soundtrackThe BS Police6/10/14 8:11 am
     Schooly D does it againSchooly D6/10/14 11:54 am
           Have my babies somehow *NM*Cody Miller6/10/14 12:19 pm
           Re: Schooly D does it againgamerguy20026/11/14 9:07 pm
     Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafCody Miller6/10/14 5:03 pm
           Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafAvateur6/10/14 8:47 pm
     Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafKalamari6/11/14 4:23 pm
           Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafzofinda6/11/14 6:26 pm
                 Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafAvateur6/11/14 8:29 pm
           Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafGeneral Vagueness6/13/14 5:32 pm

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