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Date: 6/9/14 4:09 pm

Just got home from work. I realize this is just another thread to add to the clutter but this is the most excited and happy I've been for the franchise since E3 2003....seriously, the trailer, the CG cut scenes, the way the MC Collection is packaged. Fantastic. And it indirectly makes me even more excited for Halo 5. Thank you 343.

Messages In This Thread

Dudeszofinda6/9/14 4:09 pm
     Re: DudesCARDO 8 ATL6/9/14 4:32 pm
           IT'S HAPPENING!!schedonnardus6/9/14 5:13 pm
     Begrudgingly bringing me out of retirement?Metalingus6276/9/14 8:06 pm

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