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Re: Looks like they edited it
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/4/14 8:30 pm
In Response To: Re: Looks like they edited it (MacGyver10)

: Yeah, but they still made it vague so as not to say which game particularly.
: Could be they left it that way to gain more word of mouth on their
: product, or could be Marty asked them not to give away that he's back with
: Halo again?

: I'm inclined to believe the former.

Whatever the case is, I'm interested to find out for sure, and hopefully E3 means we won't have to wait long.
I'll say this, for Halo 5 343i could put out the exact same game as Halo 4 or a game with the same features and quality but fix Forge and have Marty's music and they would pretty much have a done deal with me, I would be over 90% sold on it, especially if there are at least two or three bars of classic Halo in there (they could redo Under Cover of Night and its descendants for the rest of my life and I'd keep listening).

Messages In This Thread

Marty working on Halo 5?Morhek6/4/14 4:29 am
     Re: Marty working on Halo 5?zofinda6/4/14 5:55 am
     Re: Marty working on Halo 5?serpx6/4/14 9:42 am
     Looks like they edited it *NM*TDSpiral6/4/14 10:05 am
           Re: Looks like they edited itMacGyver106/4/14 2:55 pm
                 Re: Looks like they edited itGeneral Vagueness6/4/14 8:30 pm

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