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Customs Night (reveille edition [Halo 4])
By:General Vagueness
Date: 4/17/14 2:53 am

I planned to have this sign-up post fit the occasion, the time it's going up. I started typing up a big, somber thing about loss and stuff that would've have a note at the end about how we can still do things and have fun, and I decided to save it for a rainy day. (Then I lost the replacement twice because the browser decided to lock up.) Let's not be sad or angry or focus on the past, at least not for now. Our dear composer will move on to new things, and be refreshed and renewed and awakened again-- just as Community Customs is now.
So, what is Customs Night? Customs Night is a weekly get-together in Halo held by Community Customs. We play custom and standard gametypes on custom maps (and sometimes a standard map or two) starting at 9:00 PM US Eastern time every Friday, and they range from new to old, from large to small, from simple to complicated, and from competitive to silly. If that sounds like fun, you should join us. All you have to do to join us is reply to this sign-up post with your gamertag. If you do, you'll get a message when we're starting. (We let in people who don't sign up, too, but we prefer this so we know how many people to expect.)

Things to keep in mind:

- we pretty much play whatever the people present want to play
- we don't run modded content because of present and potential future issues with Microsoft and Xbox Live and their terms of use
- a Community Customs admin (a group including ShadowoftheVoid, iHyokin, and Gnrl Vagueness) will have party lead all night (not necessarily the same person though), so...
- if you want to play something we don't have, you can either tell us about it ahead of time so we can get it or put it in your file share and tell us when you want to play it (or maybe tell us the gamertag of someone that has it in their file share)
- we value communication, as do most map makers, and it's important to running this, so please, talk, but don't keep others from talking or being heard
- we like to have variety in maps and gametypes-- we try to have competitive, serious, somewhere in between, different gametypes, and not do a bunch of stuff by the same person in a row
- bringing a map made by you or someone you know (or even someone you've only just heard of) is highly encouraged but not at all necessary
- why not bring a friend and a snack?
- that time again is 9:00 PM EST and the game is Halo 4-- I hope we see you then!

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (reveille edition [Halo 4])General Vagueness4/17/14 2:53 am
     Re: Customs Night (reveille edition [Halo 4])Hyokin4/17/14 9:28 am
     Re: Customs Night (reveille edition [Halo 4])ChrisTheeCrappy4/17/14 12:02 pm
     RECAP - 4-18-14Hyokin4/19/14 4:02 pm
           Re: RECAP - 4-18-14General Vagueness4/20/14 4:00 pm
                 Re: RECAP - 4-18-14Hyokin4/20/14 5:46 pm
           Re: RECAP - 4-18-14ChrisTheeCrappy4/21/14 3:52 pm

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