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Re: Well, I'm not Marty but
Date: 4/14/14 10:49 am
In Response To: Bungie music on Spotify (General Vagueness)

: To get right to it, does anyone know how Marty O'Donnell, Michael Salvatori
: and company feel about their music on Spotify? I've intended for years now
: to get some or all of the Halo soundtracks. I would never just download
: the music-- I don't want to break the law even if the law is questionable,
: and it absolutely deserves to be bought. A few months after Spotify became
: available in the US I thought to search for the music on there, and sure
: enough it's there. I didn't listen to it because I kind of still wanted to
: have physical, permanent copies of the music, and I had heard something
: once or twice about the money artists get from Spotify not being that
: much-- but I realized recently I'm not sure Marty & co. still even get
: money for this music, and if I did buy the soundtracks I would probably
: get them cheap on Amazon, so they would almost definitely be used, and
: again the support I wanted to give Marty and Bungie wouldn't go to them.
: So, does anyone know how they feel about Spotify, and having their music on
: there, and people listening to it? If there isn't anyone in the community
: that knows, maybe someone closer in could ask them, possibly?
: thanks in advance

I would be willing to bet he's more interested in his work being available to you so that it can be enjoyed than making tons of cash on it.

Bungie probably takes pretty damn good care of him.

He's got his own Ivory Tower haha.

If you want to buy them and ensure that Bungie gets the biggest cut possible, I'd image you'd have to purchase through their store if the items are still available.

Don't be afraid to pick them up for cheaper online though, simply being a member here typically indicates that you are a bigger Halo\Bungie fan than the average consumer and thus are more likely to have spent money on Bungie over the years anyway.

Simply put, GV, they've made their fair share of money off you somewhere. Don't split hairs and deprive yourself of some awesome music!

Messages In This Thread

Bungie music on SpotifyGeneral Vagueness4/14/14 2:00 am
     Re: Bungie music on SpotifyGrizzlei4/14/14 2:28 am
           UnlikelyRC Master4/14/14 10:12 am
     If it's on Spotify, assume it's OKRC Master4/14/14 10:29 am
     Re: Well, I'm not Marty butRevenant19884/14/14 10:49 am
     Re: Bungie music on SpotifyGeneral Vagueness4/14/14 10:30 pm
     Re: Bungie music on SpotifyGeneral Vagueness4/20/14 4:26 pm

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