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IWHBYD Trigger
By:Cody Miller
Date: 4/12/14 7:05 pm


Has it been definitively shown what the triggers are for the IWHBYD skull in Halo 2? It still seems random…

If we can figure out the megg, how about this? Any Bungie peeps who want to chime in would be most welcome. Come on, it's been 10 years. You can spoil :-p

Messages In This Thread

IWHBYD TriggerCody Miller4/12/14 7:05 pm
     This *NM*ZackDark4/12/14 7:26 pm
     Re: IWHBYD TriggerCaptain Spark4/12/14 10:38 pm
     Re: IWHBYD TriggerMorpheus4/14/14 4:06 am

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