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Re: Bungie-related scientific news!
By:General Vagueness
Date: 4/10/14 10:22 pm
In Response To: Bungie-related scientific news! (ZackDark)

: I might have missed these here, since they're almost a full week old now, and
: if I did, I humbly apologize...

: Anyway, Enceladus, our "is it the Traveler?" moon of Saturn, has
: revealed a new potentially-liveable ocean to us! Source

I'm not sure anyone was taking the idea was taking the idea that the Traveler was one of the present-day real-life moons in our solar system, but this is cool regardless.

: And the precursor to Halo's Biofoam has finally been FDA-approved. Source

From what I've heard biofoam is pretty different, partly because it does more, but this is also very cool. Who knew if someone has a big wound you could literally stuff sponges in it and it could help them?

Messages In This Thread

Bungie-related scientific news!ZackDark4/8/14 12:49 am
     Re: Bungie-related scientific news!General Vagueness4/10/14 10:22 pm
           Re: Bungie-related scientific news!Quirel4/11/14 2:33 am
                 Re: Bungie-related scientific news!General Vagueness4/14/14 1:49 am
                       HmmmZackDark4/14/14 2:11 am
                             Re: HmmmGeneral Vagueness4/14/14 6:35 pm
                       Re: Bungie-related scientific news!Quirel4/14/14 10:49 pm

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