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Well, That Was Fast
Date: 1/6/14 11:47 pm
In Response To: Self-Imposed Halo Hiatus *OT* (Morpheus)

Equal parts stroke of luck and fierce determination actually got me a win in the last Chao race much earlier than predicted. As fast as the Angel Chao was, luckily he was a dumbass. Because of that, I barely made it. After that, I unlocked the last 2 achievements simultaneously.

Now unfortunately I've known this for a while thanks to the Internet, but for those who don't--anyone who gets all 180 emblems in Sonic Adventure 2 is treated to a nice surprise. Sonic Adventure 2 marked the 10th Anniversary of the Sonic franchise. As such, unlocking all 180 emblems gives the skilled player a special(for the first time) 3D re-imagining of Green Hill Zone, the very first Sonic level ever made. Fun, short and semi-challenging. Very sweet to have as a tribute, though. But that's finally done, and I can now let all 4 of my cuddly Chao slowly excruciatingly starve to death. HA!

I'm cocky enough to move on to Child of Eden now, hopefully I can finish Hope without dying this time.


Messages In This Thread

Self-Imposed Halo Hiatus *OT*Morpheus1/6/14 2:37 am
     Good Luck!scarab1/6/14 8:59 am
     Re: Self-Imposed Halo Hiatus *OT*MacGyver101/6/14 10:36 am
     Well, That Was FastMorpheus1/6/14 11:47 pm

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