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Re: SomeFriends Studios Documentary *OT*
By:Cody Miller
Date: 12/2/13 2:35 pm
In Response To: SomeFriends Studios Documentary *OT* (Postmortem)

: I'd love to invite you to check out the video, I'd be very interested in
: hearing your thoughts. :)


Some constructive criticism, so don't be offended.

1. The sound isn't so great. In the interviews and throughout it sounds like you used an on camera mic. Put a lav on your subjects or rig a shotgun mic on a C-Stand just above their heads. For the live stuff have a boom operator. That screamed amateur, and when a lot of the folks in the video are audio people that doesn't reflect well on you.

2. I realize you are excited about your company and game, but there is something inherently narcissistic about making a documentary about yourself. You can be in your own doc, that's fine (look at something like Super Size Me or Gasland), but those films are actually about something else and not just the person in them. Documentaries that ARE about a person and their story are generally good when the person is fascinating and can inspire / disgust / move people. You guys are making a video game. That's not special. If I'm going to watch you it's got to be about more than just "Hey, look at us work on this video game".

3. It's boring. Why am I watching you guys talk in a room? Boring.

My take.

Messages In This Thread

SomeFriends Studios Documentary *OT*Postmortem12/2/13 12:23 pm
     Re: SomeFriends Studios Documentary *OT*Cody Miller12/2/13 2:35 pm
           Not surprised that you're the first to respond...Postmortem12/2/13 3:25 pm
                 Re: Not surprised that you're the first to respondGeneral Vagueness12/3/13 7:47 pm
                       Re: Not surprised that you're the first to respondPostmortem12/3/13 10:45 pm
           Re: SomeFriends Studios Documentary *OT*stabbim12/3/13 1:46 am
                 Re: SomeFriends Studios Documentary *OT*Cody Miller12/3/13 2:16 am
                       Waitasec.Quirel12/3/13 2:26 am
                             Re: Waitasec.davidfuchs12/3/13 10:51 am
                                   Re: Waitasec.Cody Miller12/3/13 4:13 pm

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