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I'm Nodding My Head And Smiling. *NM*
Date: 11/21/13 11:56 pm
In Response To: Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG* (Leviathan)

Messages In This Thread

Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG*Leviathan11/21/13 10:46 pm
     This is amazing. *NM*ncsuDuncan11/21/13 11:27 pm
     Mr. Hoffmeier, You've Done It Again! *NM*PerseusSpartacus11/21/13 11:35 pm
     I'm Nodding My Head And Smiling. *NM*Morpheus11/21/13 11:56 pm
     Mt. Wu *NM*kanbo11/21/13 11:59 pm
     What a beefcakeGrizzlei11/22/13 12:18 am
     Perfection at its bestZackDark11/22/13 12:37 am
     Happy Birthday Wu!robofin11711/22/13 1:35 am
     Keep it.Chewbaccawakka11/22/13 2:16 am
     Wow awsomeness - I'm jelly! *NM*CARDO 8 ATL11/22/13 3:36 am
     Occupation: Spartan-II and Club OwnerFlynn J Taggart11/22/13 3:56 am
     Happy Birthday! :)iForge11/22/13 9:41 am
     Re: Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG*Jironimo11/22/13 11:01 am
     Re: Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG*Kermit11/22/13 11:05 am
     Re: Happy Birthday!!! *NM*Hyokin11/22/13 11:24 am
     Santa?padraig0811/22/13 12:55 pm
     Wonga.Louis Wu11/22/13 3:42 pm
           Get it signed! *NM*thebruce011/22/13 4:09 pm
           Re: Wonga.KP11/22/13 6:06 pm
           Re: Wonga.General Vagueness11/23/13 1:41 am
           Now there's a word I haven't heard in a long time.Vandle Valsher11/24/13 8:15 pm
     Re: Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/22/13 7:32 pm
     Kind of a fuzzy spartan! :) Happy birthday Wu *NM*Captain Spark11/22/13 10:20 pm
     Re: Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG*Pete Cooper11/23/13 3:59 pm
     Re: Happy Birthday Wu! *IMG*CHa0s11/24/13 2:22 pm

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