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Re: Hey guys, this is COMPLETELY OT but PLEASE rea
By:General Vagueness
Date: 11/20/13 10:27 pm
In Response To: Hey guys, this is COMPLETELY OT but PLEASE read. (The Guardians)

: I've been a member of this community for quite a while, since around 2001
: really. I haven't posted much here in the past few years due to life
: events taking over, and once again this seems to be the case. I'm here
: because you guys were always a good community, and I've seen some pretty
: fantastic stuff happen for people who frequented here over the
: years...From Frank getting hired, Shishka etc...

: I'm coming here asking for some help. Recently I found out my mom has been
: diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer, and as some of you may know; the
: survival rate for this disease is pretty crappy. She is a single mother of
: 3, and has lived a life of hell. Just to give you an idea....She's on
: chemo right now, sick as hell and STILL working 2 jobs to keep her house.

: I've made a gofund me page, and I'm just trying to get the word out a little
: bit. I'm trying to raise enough money to send her to a resort for a few
: days, so she can relax and hopefully not stress; if only for a little
: while.

: I know this is really off topic, but I'm hoping that compassion wins out
: here. Here is the page : It has her full
: story on it, and a link to donate.

: Thank you for reading this guys, and ANY help is appreciated; even if it's
: only sharing the link.

: You guys have been like a family to me for the past while, and I could use
: your help.

You have all of my sympathy and... well I don't know what else to say. I passed on your link. I wish you and your mom good luck.

Messages In This Thread

Hey guys, this is COMPLETELY OT but PLEASE read.The Guardians11/19/13 2:59 pm
     You're awesome, (You know who you are) *NM* *NM*The Guardians11/19/13 8:20 pm
     Re: Hey guys, this is COMPLETELY OT but PLEASE reaGeneral Vagueness11/20/13 10:27 pm
     Re: Hey guys, this is COMPLETELY OT but PLEASE reaCHa0s11/24/13 2:09 pm

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