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I'll just leave this here.
By:Carnage A51
Date: 5/17/13 3:52 am

As you may or may not know, I started a new channel a few months back with the hopes of finally having all of my content in one place. In doing this I put all of the videos from all of my other channels on private and have started moving videos over. I'm posting today to let you guys know that I've remastered and re-uploaded my original Halo 3 Spartan Rube Goldberg Machine, "Showing Some Love". Now, I know it'll never get the recognition it got back in the day; but hell, when I made it I didn't even know people would take the time to watch it, let alone the hundreds of thousands that did. So, of course, multiple Halo games have came out since Halo 3, and I know to some it may seem pointless for me to re-upload this, but Halo 3 was a really special game for me and it's thanks to Bungie and their creativity at the time. Here's to you Bungie, and to the game that was and is Halo 3, again:

Messages In This Thread

I'll just leave this here.Carnage A515/17/13 3:52 am
     Two things...munky-0585/17/13 12:11 pm
           Re: Two things...thebruce05/17/13 1:16 pm
           Re: Two things...Louis Wu5/17/13 2:56 pm
                 Re: Two things...pete_the_duck5/17/13 3:01 pm
                       Re: Two things...Carnage A515/17/13 4:24 pm
                             Re: Two things...pete_the_duck5/17/13 4:37 pm
                                   Re: Two things...Carnage A515/17/13 5:06 pm
           Re: Two things...Carnage A515/17/13 4:31 pm

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